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Community Rating: 4.312 / 5  (207 votes)
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What the *** is wrong with this game.
Posted By: Hercynian (5/23/2013 2:55:29 PM)



"...At the end of your turn, I cast Brainstorm, I choose to use the Miracle trigger to cast--"

Wait... Are you sure about this? I already have two Voice of Resurgence tokens out, you're giving me four 5/5s?


... oh, man. oh that's bad.

"Yeah. ... Do you know what Terminus means? ... It means, it is finished. As in, this game is finished. As in, you're finished."

You're damn right I am (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Posted By: Salient (5/27/2013 3:08:33 PM)


I'm just sick of all the control players whining. Every goddamn set "and all the control players cry" yet you have a fair amount of time where UWx is putting up great tournament results. The next big deck in the format is looking to be WU flash, at least until M14, and the top 3 most popular decks in the format are a near even split between Junk Rites, Gruul Aggro, and UWR Flash, which is already a good third of the metagame (by usage) that isn't interested in this card :/ maybe 20% of the standard meta needs him, and he's probably not going to see an enough eternal play to stay this expensive. People need to relax a little.

Anywho, as far as the card goes - as someone who was already main decking pillar, I don't find voice too terrifying. It's certainly powerful against anyone not using, especially in decks running lingering souls to pump the tokens, but it's still just a bear that, if killed on your turn (not necessarily sorcery speed, it's worth remembering - during combat too) pro... (see all)
Posted By: CogMonocle (7/10/2013 11:21:59 AM)


Good but NOT forty bucks. Way overhyped. Basically just a 2 CMC 2/2 and a Crusader of Odric

EDIT: Wow, Im a dumbass. I pulled one at draft and went Selesnya tokens. Needless to ssay, I went 4-0. ALL HAIL THE VOICE OF RESURGENCE
Posted By: EdgarPoeAllen (7/3/2013 5:35:09 PM)


To those who complain:
Yes, this card is extremely powerful.
And, YES, the flavor matches/mechanics match Selesnya.
And if you're control...you have amazing tools. Shut up.

Relax, it isn't impossible to deal with, by any means.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (7/19/2013 9:36:31 PM)


This card is really, really, really crappy design. I mean, why the hell is this even printed? Make it more interesting (by giving it a way to be used by the player who cast it) and make it cost more mana. This is just a broken hate bear.

Art - 5/5
Design - -99999/5

If I could rate cards with negative numbers, this would get it for sure. 0.5/5

"it's still just a bear that, if killed on your turn (not necessarily sorcery speed, it's worth remembering - during combat too) produces one vanilla creature that isn't guarenteed to be any bigger than a bear"
Wrong. If this thing dies, OR they cast something on your turn, you get a bear. That means, if they bolt it on your turn (a really bad play against this), you get 2 bears to replace it! If they kill it on their turn, you still get a token!

It's not that strong, but for just 2 mana, it's quite ridiculous.
Posted By: SAUS3 (7/11/2013 12:07:18 PM)



Hi. I'm Matt Ferrantino. To everyone who ever pulled a Foil Jace, the Mind Sculptor or a Liliana of the Veil, a Foil Snapcaster Mage, and a Foil Garruk, the Veil-Cursed. To whoever gets the DUMBEST luck in the world. To EVERYONE who is really lucky, and to everyone NOT so lucky who feels like me. Well, I GOT their kind of NUT SACK luck today, and my fellow Bad-luck Artists can get it too!

1x Sacred Foundry
1x Breeding Pool
1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa
1x Voice of Resurgence
1x Deadbrige Chant
1x Legion's Initiative
1x Reap Intellect
1x Foil Varolz
the other Maze Runners, including Foil Ruric Thar (not as cool as Varolz)

+ All the Non-Mythic cards from Dragon's Maze, in one, absolutely beautiful, stunning, Booster Box. o.o I dead. lite... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (5/4/2013 3:48:25 PM)


Rediculous! 5/5
Posted By: Combofriend (7/3/2013 12:46:00 AM)


Posted By: limitededition (4/24/2013 9:16:13 AM)


Just bought a Dragon's Maze fat pack and eight other booster packs today and the first booster I opened contained Emmara Tandris. Then the second contained a foil Emmara Tandris which I thought was pretty cool. Then the third one i opened had a Voice of Resurgence in it. I think its a sign from god that i should, no wait, that I NEED to make a Selesnya deck
Posted By: Toxicity17 (5/3/2013 2:30:20 PM)


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