Because there's no way they would reprint Dredge, but they wanted to show some love for the first Golgari mechanic anyway.
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 5:03:19 PM)
Combos with Skullclamp. Then again, every creature does.
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 10:07:17 PM)
bfellow- no, actually I think you have something worth more than just a pithy "like" there! :D
Skullclamp is REALLY good with this, as in, probably better with this than it is with a good many creatures. ^_^ I will have to try it sometime.
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 4:18:46 PM)
It's not dredge, because dredge costs nothing to use. All of the interesting magic cards do things without the cost of mana, or have exceedingly small mana investments at the cost of something else (loss of life, sacrifice a creature, or in the case of original dredge: skip your draw step, etc)
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 6:57:22 PM)
My Jund/Golgari Flayer/Graveyard decks love this guy... Pulled two at the prerelease with golgari/simic -- killed everything and synergies with every part green/black graveyard deck ever.
Rancor -- nuff said
Posted By:
(4/28/2013 2:30:38 PM)
The art, the flavour, the cool abilities. This card is really cool. It's even only an uncommon. 5/5
Posted By:
(6/7/2013 12:36:46 PM)
This guy would be so useful if there were any one of several changes to him.
He could block.
He could be "dredged" as an instant.
His "Dredge" cost had less of a mana requirement. (I think he would have been fine for three mana)
He could be regenerated. (at a cost, of course)
None of these are overpowered in the current meta, and all of them can fit the flavor of the card pretty well.
As he is, though, his screams to be built around go unanswered.
Posted By:
(6/25/2013 9:02:23 AM)
Such a neat card. I would not hesitate to run this fellow if his ability where instant speed.
Posted By:
(7/8/2013 8:50:16 PM)
I really love this guy, but not being able to block is just a deal-breaker for a 4cmc dredge :(
Powerhouse in limited though, for sure
Posted By:
(10/24/2013 11:53:04 AM)
This is one of my favorite cards ever, it is well designed and its foil is beautiful...
Good art, good relevant effect that works well for my Golgari self mill.
Combos with Rot Farm Skeleton.
And I will four of it in my mainboard.
Posted By:
(1/25/2014 10:02:52 PM)