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Community Rating: 3.801 / 5  (93 votes)
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I think Ghoultree watched me open this bad boy in a pack and just kinda smiled all creepilly...
Posted By: Rootkit9208 (4/28/2013 9:38:20 PM)


A very good card. Too bad that Scavenging Ooze killed it in Standard.
Posted By: aanydoros (9/3/2013 6:51:06 AM)



Not every format is built to win T5 you tool. The fact is this will be a powerhouse in slower formats like EDH as it let's you draw from your graveyard in addition to your library, not to mention free recasting of creatures. And as for your "Dies to removal" logic consider the fact that even if they wipe your graveyard it RECYCLES ALL DESTROYED CARDS THEREAFTER. Now all that's left to dispute is that it dies to enchantment removal, but in the end of the day most everything you play can be countered. So maybe you should just quit Magic?
Posted By: Osprey_93 (5/5/2013 1:00:22 AM)


This is a weak card because the card chosen is random. Consistency makes or breaks cards. Yes, you could find ways to have only specific cards in your graveyard, but you must remember that many cards improve with the help of another card.
Posted By: mdakw576 (9/23/2013 2:16:49 AM)


this card is BAD because it costs 6 mana and spends one turn in doing something with impact to the game. if your goal is to dredge 10, there are cheaper ways. if your goal is reanimate a fatty there are also cheaper ways. also it is vulnerable to removal in two ways enchantment and graveyard, and let the opponent one turn to react. no way. bad card.
Posted By: don_miguel (4/25/2013 4:25:04 PM)


looks like this could be fun in edh
Posted By: Doomlord5 (4/23/2013 2:57:56 PM)


Looks like a worse debtors knell to me, because knell
- can be played in mono colored decks
- always reanimates something if there is a valid target (whereas deadbridge chant sometimes does nothing)
- can reanimate stuff in other players graveyards

Sure, it doesn't mill yourself, but since you have access to other players graveyard, you don't need that.
Posted By: majinara (5/6/2013 7:16:53 AM)


Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (4/23/2013 10:11:06 PM)


"Top ten cards and...uh oh, not Phage, The Untouchable! Why is THAT in here? Well, it's no worry! It's got less than a 1 in 10 chance of killing me here..."

*Next turn* ".......WHAT THE-!!!"
Posted By: Splizer (4/25/2013 12:54:55 PM)


Amazing. This has so many great interactions with so many great cards it's sure to spawn several combo decks, not to mention how much fun it is in EDH.
Posted By: Haplo81 (4/25/2013 8:29:39 PM)


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