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Take Teysa.
Add Soul Sisters.
Mix well with Darien, King of Kjeldor.
Add a dash of instant life gain to sneak your way into getting more tokens and life than you can handle when your opponent builds up enough of their forces to go for the kill.
Laugh maniacally.
Posted By: Lazyblazey (7/14/2013 5:43:06 PM)


Amazing general in edh
Posted By: tiny0566 (7/19/2013 7:25:18 AM)


When a creature costs a wooping 7 mana, has no ETB trigger, and all of its abilities rely on your opponent doing stuff, and not having removal...
They should have given her fewer abilities and cost less mana, at this mana cost, this just doesn't add up in standard.
In limited however, she can probably win games on her own.
Posted By: Sironos (8/7/2013 7:05:15 PM)


Lots of comparisons to No Mercy, but you know what four mana enchantment is really fun with her? Concerted Effort.
Posted By: Kelptic183 (8/8/2013 12:52:05 PM)


Its no mercy on a creature.
It generates 1/1 flyers.

It has protection from creatures.
It has vigilance.

So since serra angel is reasonably priced at 5 with 4/4 vigilance flying, its a safe assumption to say that you are paying 2 extra for a no mercy that generates flying tokens.

This is powercreeped, but wont see any competitive play due to being 7 cmc creature without immediate board thud.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/9/2013 9:29:52 AM)


Teysa has gotten much stronger since her scion days. Now, she can kill Progenitus if she feels like it (since her ability doesn't target, it is simply a trigger).

I'm looking forward to seeing if a card will ever be printed of her "joining" the Orzhov council as a member of the ruling elite.
Posted By: MechaKraken (8/21/2013 6:58:42 PM)


She is especially fun if you combo her with Hold the Gates andMaze Abomination
Posted By: DerAmi (9/18/2013 10:03:08 AM)


Combos well with Teysa, Orzhov Scion...?
Posted By: Black_Sun28 (9/21/2013 11:41:24 PM)


comboing her with Platinum Emperion is very nasty since life total will never change
Posted By: Durphins (9/26/2013 10:05:28 AM)


Apparently becoming an envoy makes your breasts become substantially larger. Good to know!
Posted By: Kirbster (10/5/2013 1:37:43 AM)


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