To he honest, I don't really like this. Populate is an effective mechanic, but populating this early is not going to give you time to set up a sufficient token. It's better to have populate cards that cost more mana and bring something else to the table.
Posted By:
(4/24/2013 4:53:14 PM)
Wake the Reflections is a good card for standard if you run a token deck. Can get a 5/5 wurm token for 1 mana cost with trample, that can be nice. But it does not have many options and is limited. 3.5/5.
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 4:54:15 PM)
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 10:09:10 PM)
Would be so much cooler if it was called "Copy Token" to keep with tradition of all the other cards copy artifact/copy enchantment
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 1:59:47 PM)
We need more one word instants and sorceries. I suggest "Win."
Posted By:
(4/23/2013 2:45:06 PM)
I like this because although other ones give you indestructibility or prevent damage or destroy things, they cost more, and those effects aren't always useful when you have the mana to play them and when the effect of populate is useful, so those cards don't always use all of their effects. I see that as a waste. This, however, is simple and low-costed. Works in a host of situations.
Posted By:
(4/27/2013 7:15:56 PM)
Another beautiful art from Cynthia Sheppard. :)
Posted By:
(5/1/2013 1:04:43 AM)
You can still cast it as Orzhov just for the extort trigger. And yes, you can cast it without owning tokens, obviously. Like how you can extort of a countered spell, as you still casted it. Or cascaded.
Posted By:
(5/13/2013 8:52:15 PM)
Zektar Shrine Expedition in pauper..
Posted By:
(7/17/2013 3:34:29 PM)
I think the comments about instant speed are insightful. I still like the card in conjunction with Thune and Extort.
Posted By:
(8/11/2013 6:06:43 PM)