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Community Rating: 3.939 / 5  (206 votes)
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Ral Zarek is good for standard and mana cost is good. First ability is good, but they can still untap so Tamyio still wins it for me even with the untap. Second ability is good and third ability is questionable. Most likely, yes you will get at least one other turn and maybe two, but it is possible to get nothing and lose 7 loyalty counters for the chance of it. I am not a chance type of guy so even though the odds are in your favor, still not a huge fan. 4/5.
Posted By: pandawolf56 (4/23/2013 6:51:29 PM)


Why yes, I will take that blue mana ramp and I will like it!
Posted By: Dr._Inglenook (4/23/2013 7:42:28 PM)


Arcanis the Omnipotent says hello, and welcomes you to tap that poor gruul player's one dual and keep it tapped until you bolt for cover or time stretch your way to an assured win.
Posted By: YerpyMoose (4/23/2013 8:38:12 PM)


It's time. 4 of these, 4 Krark's Thumb, 4 Mirror Gallery, 4 Chance Encounter. Let's throw in 4 Frenetic Efreet and 4 Volatile Rig while we're at it...
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (4/23/2013 8:59:45 PM)


Fun on a bun.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (4/23/2013 10:01:49 PM)


@ Leuitikos And Krark's Thumb of course!!

Very nice PW design, though I can't decide what deck best suits it, maybe American Flash.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (4/23/2013 11:13:53 PM)


The ultimate is hilarious, yes, but the true muscle in this card lies in the lightning bolt on a stick. Recharge gives ramp. Very usable card in nearly any context.
Posted By: James_Kernaghan (4/24/2013 2:12:32 AM)


Time to get working on my Izzet Goblins deck!
Krenko is gonna love this card for sure!
Posted By: JonesP (4/24/2013 2:28:11 AM)


Gilder Bairn never looked so good! With the Gilder in play, on your second turn with Ral in play you can activate Ral's ultimate and then with the extra turns (considering an average amount, 2 or 3) you can likely use Ral's +1 with Gilder to get his ultimate off again before your opponent gets a turn. You could end up with 5 to 20 to who knows how many turns... TURNS. Gosh that would be fun!
Posted By: Jojabi (4/24/2013 4:07:54 AM)


Ral Zarek really loves Krark's Thumb
Posted By: Sir_Kraemer (4/24/2013 8:19:54 AM)


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