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I'm surprised that no one mentions this but if you splash in black corpsejack menace
Posted By: danialjames (5/5/2013 5:39:10 PM)


i mean primordial hydra
Posted By: TentacleTitan (5/13/2013 2:28:52 PM)


I play a Vorel commander deck that gets out of control fairly often

Among the best combo pieces:

Culling Dais: Allows you to draw all the cards after only saccing a single creature.

Untap effects such as Seeker of Skybreak, Fatestitcher, and Niblis of the Breath are all extremely powerful. While the Niblis costs mana, it also allows you to tap Gilder Bairn if you want to double the counters on a planeswalker or enchantment.

Seedborn Muse is fantastic in commander games. Since you untap lands, it allows you to activate Vorel on every player's end step, or twice every end step with an untapper. It also lets you hold up counterspells while still spending all of your mana every turn, which is very valuable.
Murkfiend Liege is slightly worse for combo potential, but still buffs everything.

Plaxcaster Frogling come... (see all)
Posted By: Aremath (5/25/2013 7:51:27 PM)


I understand completely why they made him not work with Planeswalkers. Working with Enchantments would have been pretty cool though. The argument of "Simics don't have anything to do with Enchantments" is kind of invalidated by the fact that he works with Artifacts, which they have equally little (actually less, considering they're all about organic life) to do with.
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (5/30/2013 3:31:41 PM)


Edit comment removed by user as doesn't work with Enchantments.
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/31/2013 4:37:40 AM)


Varolz, the Scar-Striped, scavenge something crazy from your graveyard (Death's Shadow or Phyrexian Dreadnaught) and then double the power/toughness with Vorel of the Hull Clade. Can't go wrong with that.
Posted By: Callahan09 (6/3/2013 5:55:11 AM)


I used to hurl rocks and eat scraps of meat burned over a fire, but then I took a Simic to the everything.

*notices Atemu's comment*

Posted By: Arachnos (6/6/2013 11:56:22 AM)


So doubling counters counts as placing counters. Fathom Mage is happy to hear that.
Posted By: TheBringer (6/17/2013 1:38:31 AM)


Interestingly neat enough,
If you have no previously Evolved creatures on the battlefield,
This guy will at least activate the Evolve trigger once upon entering the battlefield.
Pretty awesome, in my opinion, especially from a flavor perspective.
Posted By: infernox10 (6/19/2013 12:21:33 AM)


Vorel is loving M14: Door of Destinies, Ratchet Bomb, Ring of Three Wishes, multiple hydras, Savage Summoning, Primeval Bounty, Hunt the Weak, Advocate of the Beast, and who knows what else.
Posted By: Jhyrryl (7/1/2013 10:34:51 PM)


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