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Community Rating: 3.821 / 5  (92 votes)
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Whom ever is saying this shouldn't be a mythic don't know how to play magic or the mechanix involved!...... This card is amazing. it has everything Boros dosen't have..

Posted By: Blackwatch_00 (4/27/2013 3:35:12 PM)


Why yes, I WOULD like to use my Spark Troopers as blockers, too.
Posted By: JRE47 (4/29/2013 7:23:46 AM)


Although this card is good, I don't like it due to its lack of playability. Ok, maybe it fits in a Boros Midrange deck somewhere, however it still won't get much use. The real power of this card is the second ability; the anthem is just the icing. Unfortunately, most good Boros decks will play on curve and won't ever have WR open. Even if you don't perfectly hit your curve, your opponent can just wait until you hit your big drop and Supreme Verdict or Naturalize when you have no extra mana.

Also, another downside is the fact that aggro decks have better 2 drops. With a Champion of the Parish on turn 1, turn 2 you can play Burning Tree Emissary and Lightning Mauler then swing for 8. With this on turn 2, all you get is a 1/2 Champion of the Parish.

In my opinion, 3/5 is fair.
Posted By: TitansFTW (4/29/2013 3:13:31 PM)


Would combining this with Gideon, Champion of Justice allow all your opponents creatures to get wiped out and you would be ready to attack a completely open foe?
Posted By: tomanybagels (4/29/2013 7:25:43 PM)


That's a nice board wipe you have there.. it's a pity if someone were to dodge it.

Great combo with Burning-Tree Emissary too.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (5/14/2013 10:47:19 AM)


"I'm going to cast Mizzium Mortars effectively killing all of your creatures." "In response all my Boros recruits have hair appointments to get to."
Posted By: MakeshiftMage (5/20/2013 1:15:20 AM)


Mass cloudshifting. Fun stuff.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (5/25/2013 4:37:59 PM)


Good thing they made it exile itself. Otherwise you could get stupid combos with Sun Titan.

Overall, I don't really like this card. It's cool and all, but it doesn't feel mythic. The mythics in this set are all actually quite disappointing. Since they suddenly took all the champions and made them into rares, they then took a bunch of random rares and made them into mythics by just making them OP.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/7/2013 12:15:42 PM)


My problem with this card isn't just its power level (it is a decent card there). It is such a non-bo with red/white effects.
Nonbo with:
- Token generators (Assemble the Legion, Blaze Commando, Sunhome Guildmage, etc)
- Boros bonuses from attacking (Battle Cry, Gleam of Battle, etc) This mostly matters if you're getting multiple attack phases (if from the Boros new guildleader, Aurelia, or some other source).

Also, it's anthem affect is weird and clunky in my opinion. Harder to keep track of if it were just "Red and/or White creatures you control get +1/+1.".
Posted By: Hethalean (6/18/2013 10:58:22 AM)


The best use for this card, is using right before you miracle Terminus. Bonus points if you also had ETB creatures. It could also prevent your opponents from casting their board wipes while giving your guys a buff, if you hold RedWhite open.

Its a strong card, but not really worthy of a mythic. As a rule of thumb wizards should always try to make mythics cost 5+, with some exceptions.

Wow casting cost has nothing to do with what a Mythic is...this is definitely worth being a Mythic...this card is amazing. If you think that Mythics should only be a certain casting cost, believe me, nobody here wants your "advice." ~ cobaltblue

Its just a suggestion to prevent utility cards like this and Lotus Cobra from ending up in the mythic rare slot.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (6/26/2013 3:47:05 AM)


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