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@martianshark to which i respond, electrickery.
Posted By: CogMonocle (6/21/2013 10:46:44 AM)


After playing with and against this for a while, I found this card to be pretty strong. I was playing green aggro last SGO and went 7-3, two of the matchs I lost were very close -- except the last match against UWR control, which I felt was completely hopeless. Game 2 he went T2 Augur of Bolas revealing Warleader's Helix, T3 Pillar of Flame + Augur of Bolas revealing Supreme Verdict, and T4 Restoration Angel revealing another Warleader's Helix. Normally an aggro deck can try to finish off opponents at 6-10 life via burn and hasty creatures for a few turns after T4-5. Add just one Helix, though, the game is likely lost right there when the last creature is killed.
Posted By: sweetgab (6/28/2013 8:41:31 PM)


This is for midrange decks what Lightning Helix is for aggro decks. I was so disappointed when it was spoiled, but it's a very good card for its own use.
Posted By: Havrekjex (9/15/2013 3:18:06 PM)


It's January 2014's FNM promo now. And it looks sweet.
Posted By: The_Hittite (1/4/2014 10:43:01 AM)


*Mandatory Twitch Plays Pokémon reference*
Posted By: phi1997 (3/18/2014 4:43:50 AM)


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