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Community Rating: 4.420 / 5  (50 votes)
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T1 Plains OrnithopterOrnithopter Memnite Memnitepass turn
OT1 swamp Dark Ritual Phyrexian Etchings
End of opponents turn Path to Exile a Ornithopter
T2 Plains Tempered Steel attack for 8 :)
Posted By: mr8658 (9/25/2013 4:47:35 PM)


Decent card, but I think people tend to underestimate the drawback. Giving your opponent a free Rampant Growth is both card disadvantage and a tempo loss.
Posted By: absreim (10/1/2013 1:51:23 PM)


@mr8658 Care to explain how you have nine cards in your hand first turn without any card draw and being on the draw?
Posted By: cactido (1/19/2014 5:39:30 PM)


Why is every one talking about exiling the opponent's creatures? Exile your own white wienny and manna ramp. The first thing I thought of, at least. If it said destroy instead of exile, it would actually be really broken do to it's ability to fuel simple zombie or skeleton decks and providing mana ramp additionally. Good card is good
Posted By: Zeter (1/25/2014 6:49:40 PM)


I wish they had reprinted this with Rebecca Guay's art. I have a playset with this art already but would like to get my hands on some with her version.
Posted By: Enelysios (1/31/2014 5:25:09 PM)


Exiling creatures for {W} is ridiculous... the fact that in a pinch you can use it to nab yourself a land at instant speed is even more ridiculous. You can even use it to cause opposing spells to 'fizzle'... example:

Opp: I'll cast Shivan Meteor targetting your Jackal Pup..

"In response, I'll Path to Exile it, and tutor up another Plains.

Of course, these circumstances are pretty narrow, but still it can do so much!
Posted By: tcollins (2/4/2014 9:18:35 PM)


Has anyone mentioned Land Tax yet?
Posted By: Arachnos (2/13/2014 2:18:25 PM)


Wondering if Triad of Fates could place a fate counter on your own creature you plan to exile, gain the mana, then return it? How does the stack resolve? anyone?
Posted By: PoetheSchizo (4/11/2014 6:54:59 AM)


i with still always like this with archive trap
creature removal in a white/blue control/mill deck is clutch, especially when it helps you play other spells
Posted By: raptorman333 (4/14/2014 8:40:31 AM)


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