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Community Rating: 3.571 / 5  (56 votes)
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I dislike the flavor text, but cannot argue with the truth of it. :P
I guess I just wish that somehow there was a better flavor way to say that such a tiny creature is so deadly XP

'Even dragons fear its silken strands'...NO. actually they don't XP

Both abilities are VERY relevant, yes, but the webs of these spiders are way too small to be any threat to Thundermaw Hellkites or The Scourge of Valkas.

VS DRAGONS, the key thing is the DEATHTOUCH. I know this seems like such a little thing, but I just think a card this awesome deserves PERFECT flavor text, and it could be better. :P

M15 needs the flavor text to be about it's VENOM, and mention Dragons and maybe Leviathans, and THAT will be the PERFECT flavor text for it!!!! :D
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/22/2013 12:42:56 PM)


I use burn spells on it.
If nothing else it says: "Target opponent discards a card, you gain 3 life." or some such ;)

Really annoying when you're green and someone drops this; fight mechanic doesn't help you here! You can get around it with What-should've-been-called-intimidate cards, like Aura Gnarlid, Wandering Wolf, etc..
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/12/2013 9:38:53 AM)


Compare with Thornweald Archer. Archer is obviously better in elf decks, but outside of tribal I'd choose this for the extra toughness. Or you could play spider tribal with Swarmyard.
Posted By: Kontrah (8/6/2013 8:06:05 PM)


Rated below 4? Come on. It's a little wonder of practical, flavourful, balanced card design. And it's a spider, bonus points for the eventual spider tribal deck we all want :3
Its biggest problem is getting burned out for cheap but honestly I wouldn't call it a drawback since you're still trading 1 for 1 and on most occasions the mana spent will be equal on both sides.

So, what does it do? It stalls decks that rely on flying, it makes the opponent rely on first strikers or on creatures that prevent damage or waste removal on a cheap 1G creature.
While your opponent casts countereasures to deal with it, you can get on the field your big hitters.

tl;dr it's not an OMGB UBBR OP rare card, but it's a 1/2 for 1G with two very relevant abilities for green, that can be played in a full playset by any player due to its cheapness. 4.5/5

Posted By: Galf506 (2/2/2014 12:55:22 PM)


DarthParallax, I think the flavor text is right on with this card. Imagine walking in the woods minding your own business. The first thing that will surprise you is the spider web in your path, you will not likely see the small spider with the large web. That is how I see this card. Dragon flying around not noticing the web gets caught and killed by a relatively small spider or afraid to go near the web knowing there is a spider in it. Without reach it would have no Web and deathtouch would be nothing for a dragon.
Posted By: amberbock (2/11/2014 1:14:55 PM)


This little guy acts like a wall, and for good reason. unless something can lower his power, he will kill something before he dies. Fliers often have lesser power than grounded creatures, too.

For 2 mana, its a jack of all trades. You can either attack, and take down a few creatures with It, or play it defensively, and make your oppoment guess twice before attacking.

Also can kill a grizzly bear, both in the air and on the ground.
Posted By: Pigfish99 (2/11/2014 2:01:42 PM)


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