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Turn 1: Mountain, drop this.
Turn 2: Forest, drop Predatory Sliver, swing for 2 with Striking Sliver.
Turn 3: Land, Blur Sliver, swing for 7.
Turn 4: Plains, drop Bonescythe Sliver, swing for lethal.
And there are other ways to get crazy Turn 3s or 4s with the new Slivers (the one above is perhaps just the most straightforward)...but they almost all start with this little guy.
As the only one-drop Sliver we have in Standard right now (at least without reaching for Galerider Sliver), I think he's got to be at least 4/5.
Posted By:
(7/15/2013 11:55:27 AM)
"You one ugly muthaf***a!"
Posted By:
(7/20/2013 12:15:57 PM)