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just off the top of my head, something as simple as drawing three cards at the end of their turn for 4 mana..... (this + divination)
Posted By: ToAsTy42o (8/16/2013 4:02:09 PM)


Ergerd, Farseek at Instant speed for three months, UG Ramp is going to be a thing for three months...
4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (7/9/2013 6:03:54 PM)


Surprising that no one has mentioned Cipher yet... I mean the possibilities are scary here.

My thoughts go to a Grixis deck with Guttersnipe and Young Pyromancer or something... Mix in something that gives you a nasty effect when it's blocked, Slate Street Ruffian comes to mind(although he doesn't synergize with the deck really)... Somberwald Vigilante is a better example i suppose, since you won't want to wait for multiple 3 drops to make this work.

Attack and when they choose not to block him, you cast Quicken, then cast Shadow Slice.... You get 3 procs from the Guttersnipe so that's 6 damage, plus the 6 from both Shadow Slice resolutions plus the 2 from your Ruffian... Nothing like ending the game turn 5-6 while they're sitting at a comfortable 14 life lol.

This is the card that should've been the blue instant/sorcery Rare from Dragon's Maze...
Posted By: Vakyoom (7/13/2013 7:55:42 AM)


Now I can take an extra turn on my opponents turn! :D
Posted By: Sinicity (7/14/2013 12:39:25 AM)


End of turn, Worldfire.
Posted By: limitededition (7/15/2013 2:38:11 PM)


Vakyoom, I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but I'm afraid I have to deluge it.

The Overmaster, Quicken, and Savage Summoning cards are very good for their purpose, but their CMC is deceptive and makes most people not realize what they're doing.

It looks like a pretty Spiky card at 1 mana, doesn't it? Nope. It's a Timmy card, plain and simple. Quicken and its ilk are like the precursors of Fuse cards. You always have to Fuse them to the card you want to improve. The problem is that you are increasing the CMC of the card you actually want to play by 1. Increasing CMC is the least Spiky thing you can do. It's a very BOMBY thing to do.

And often enough, paying more mana gets you 'bang for buck'. I mean you *do* get to tack on great abilities for this extra mana. But it's still extra mana, and that's going to slow you down, not speed you up. EDH is the home for these puppies. That's the PERFECT place to play cards that make your cards pseudo-1... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/17/2013 12:42:38 AM)


This seems fantastic in an aggro/combo deck with Nivix Cyclops and Guttersnipe or in a more controlling deck with Mizzium Mortars, Farseek, Unexpected Results, Epic Experiment etc...
Posted By: lorendorky (7/18/2013 2:51:39 AM)


I really like this card in control setups.
Posted By: Melubb (8/1/2013 3:46:37 PM)


It turns my Divination into Inspirations!
Posted By: troll_berserker (8/2/2013 2:10:16 AM)


If we only had any good Cipher card...
Posted By: Mephy. (8/13/2013 7:41:28 PM)


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