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I love that this is in instead of Jace's Phantasm. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You: for getting the powercreep under control Wizards.
Posted By: Phelplan (1/28/2014 9:23:21 AM)


I'd say just make unblockable a keyword and make Intimidate reminder: 'this creature can only be blocked by artifact creatures or creatures that share a color with it'. How is that confusing or unintuitive? One is similar to flying (blockable under circumstances) and the other is straight up: can't block me, no exceptions.

Yes I've read the reasoning behind it but I don't agree. If anything the 'can't be blocked except...' explanation of flying/intimidate/etc would be better of being 'can only be blocked by...'. Seems more straightforward to me. Flying is very different from unblockable and the wording could reflect that better.
Posted By: Smokingpapyrus (2/1/2014 8:51:02 AM)


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