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I'm not sure how 3 +1/+1 counters on a single creature would be a "blowout". Unless you've been playing it such that you get a 3/3 Beast for every Angel you generate, which is incorrect as the Beasts are only generated upon a creature spell being cast (none of the Angel tokens are cast, they are just put onto the battlefield as a result of Devout Invocation).

As for this card, it's in my Ghave, Guru of Spores EDH deck. Because it does everything the deck wants to do: generate tokens and put +1/+1 counters on creatures.
Posted By: TheShadow344 (8/11/2013 11:31:01 AM)


I'm a fan of this card alongside Whitemane Lion. The Lion isn't terrible itself as it can save another creature, but alongside the Bounty it effectively becomes "1W: make a 3/3 beast token".

To do it with any creature, you can always go with Cloudstone Curio instead. While a four card combo, you can then go infinite with 2 0-cost creatures like Ornithopter or Memnite.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/12/2013 3:30:04 AM)


I drafted this card and won every game I played it in.... This card wins games. You can build a deck around this.

Mana ramping in a constructed format will just let you play this on turn 3 or 4.... Then if they don't have an answer for it next turn.. You're going to be in a pretty good spot no matter what you do on your next turn..

Too many cards this combo's with to list....
Posted By: Zylo- (8/23/2013 10:09:23 PM)


Honestly, I think this would be amazing for most green EDH decks: it gives you a lot of small advantages, and like, say, Lifegift, other people won't see the small advantages as a big threat (after all, there's that Phyrexian Colossus/Grave Betrayal/Necropotence/Grave Pact on the other guy's board, why bother destroying the puny little Lifegift that's not actually doing all that much compared to other stuff?). Point in case is that, like Lifegift, it tends to add up. Quickly. And by the time people are like "Well poop son, that got outta hand..." spot removal on the enchantment won't help clean up the boons that it left you. Just my thoughts, haven't gotten my hands on it yet, but I personally tend to have some more immediately frightfull enchantments running around my table, so yeah :)
Posted By: Dark_Raider (8/26/2013 2:43:22 PM)


It's sad that they used non-creature for the second ability. It would have been nice to get a 6/6 beast creature token off of any Enchantment Creature.
Posted By: Coralus (9/4/2013 7:21:43 AM)


Edit: Combo with Possibility Storm 2x beast tokens, 6 +1/+1 counters. With Gruul Ragebeast and this combo each time you try to cast a creature it will have you dig for the next one this activates 2x and you can have the tokens and your creature fight an opponant's creature.
Posted By: TowerDefender (10/13/2013 11:36:10 AM)


Posted By: MCcreator (10/25/2013 9:59:59 AM)


Gets funny with Primal Vigor. A good all-around green card that represents all of green's favorite things.
Posted By: Manite (11/17/2013 10:16:26 AM)


A lot of people saying this is too slow for constructed, but currently, constructed not only has a slightly slower pace, but this fits into decks that ramp up quite easily and quite fast. Green Devotion decks can generate mana for this a lot earlier than green decks from the metagame pre-Theros, and this allows you to turn what usually would be a dead draw, like a mana dork on the middle and late game, into something more useful, allowing you to outpace your opponent. The life gain is also pretty useful, as you'll usually bring this out after your fourth land drop, and when pushing for the late game. It's a solid card, definitely splashable, and has some wicked interactions with Retrace and Cipher.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (12/17/2013 7:56:59 AM)


You know, I was trying really hard to think of something I didn't like about this card, and then it hit me. I really wish it had some flavor text, but if the card is so good there's not room for any, I guess I really shouldn't complain. Just always been curious what it would have been, had Wizards not made the card itself so good. And I agree wholeheartedly with Mode, a "greensome" is exactly what I thought when I first opened this one up :)
Posted By: FarisV (12/26/2013 9:01:34 AM)


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