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Even though I've been destroyed by this card plenty of times (most commonly in response to my Sever the Bloodline) I can't help liking the design.
Posted By: Fenix. (7/13/2013 1:01:25 AM)


I miss the old flavor text.
Posted By: XepherXero (7/13/2013 3:05:52 PM)


@Keshiji The cost of the card IS sacrificing a creature, you cannot just choose a target for it. The target creature would be sacrificed before anyone would get a chance to respond.
Posted By: doo2you (7/16/2013 4:50:10 PM)


Normally, creature-saccing bothers me, especially since I started playing with a monoblack deck that utterly sucked. This doesn't, however. If you have enough creatures to repeat this with some sort of flashback shenanigans, this card is beautifully done.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (7/19/2013 4:23:12 PM)


@ Tamerlein

Just because Signed In Blood is leaving standard rotation soon doesn't mean you have to "settle" for this. Toil (Toil // Trouble) from Dragon Maze does the same thing but for 2B instead of BB. Which in some cases might be easier to cast because of the color weight. Altar's Reap works best for maintaining momentum with cheap and fast aggro decks were creatures are meant to be disposable.
Posted By: vmorda (8/7/2013 1:58:12 AM)


1B: Laugh at target kill spell. Draw two cards.

Very nice.
Posted By: SilentOppressor (8/16/2013 7:27:38 PM)


Dont be fooled, this is actually a black counterspell.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (9/6/2013 12:30:03 PM)


While Tsagaglalal is close to correct (and the important piece of "you can't respond to costs" is correct) he is incorrect in how it actually works.

-You put the spell on the stack
-You choose your targets
-You pay your costs
(I'm parsing, there's a bit more technicality in there.)

Anyway; this is a grand little spell that can be used with Abyssal Persecutor, recurring creatures like Gravecrawler, or simply dodging a spell. Instant speed makes it good for simply refilling your hand off of a now-useless weenie as well.

As with all black/colorless draw, I like this next to Blood Scrivener; for *yet another* card :)
Posted By: blurrymadness (11/5/2013 4:56:15 PM)


Isn't that the guy from Dark Prophecy lurking in the background? Incidentally, Altar's Reap triggers Dark Prophecy.
Posted By: Manite (11/17/2013 9:16:17 AM)


I like the fact that this card is in a core set, not only because it is a good card but also because it has much blacker flavor than Sign in Blood (which is also a good card). In a way, what the black planeswalker does in Sign in Blood could be considered as not being evil, because it doesn't hurt anybody other than him/her. No innocents get sacrificed. Clearly, if the black planeswalker has decided to use Sign in Blood, he/she is satisfied with losing the life in exchange for power. Everybody is happy.

However with Altar's Reap, somebody DOES suffer. The creature gets sacrificed against its will, and only the black planeswalker benefits from it. Even if the sacrificed creature wasn't any more innocent than the planeswalker, there would still be black flavor because the planeswalker doesn't care whether the creature was innocent or not.

Also, the card is good.

Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/20/2014 8:30:20 PM)


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