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Community Rating: 3.709 / 5  (67 votes)
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Chandra's murder bird is back!
Posted By: rollinsclone (7/13/2013 4:21:59 PM)


This is actually a really good pitch card to use with Jaya, whom, lets be honest, will ALWAYS be the best red 'walker there is.
Posted By: sincleanser (7/23/2013 12:37:15 PM)


This seems perfect to work with Tibalt, the Fiend Blooded return them to your hand before activating his +1 to reduce the odds on turfing something good and if you turf Chandra's Phoenix you can get it back by burning an opponant. Ditto Tymaret, the Murder King although his return to hand mechanism is different.
Posted By: TowerDefender (9/30/2013 11:31:41 AM)


Such a fantastic card; flavorful, powerful, interesting, and it has combo potential. In my mind the phoenix is nearly as iconic a red creature as the dragon and I pray for a new rare phoenix every set.

You know that the Phoenix actually originates in Greek mythology, dare I hope for a Mythic Rare Phoenix in the Theros set? Please Wizards, at least a rare one...
Posted By: master-blake (10/1/2013 8:37:24 PM)


This card isn't .7 points worse than it was two years ago. Maybe it was overvalued then, but it isn't a 3.6. smh
It flies, hastes, gets returned to the hand. An evasive threat that helps RDW go long and finish games they couldn't otherwise finish is good. (It is pretty specific as to which decks should play it though. That helps justify some of the low score.)
Posted By: casualhorror (1/18/2014 2:10:18 PM)


"Ignore interaction with target game."
Posted By: PopcornBunni (6/2/2014 4:25:46 PM)


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