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Quicken for creatures! Plus extra goodies to make blue mages even more upset.
Posted By: Totema (7/9/2013 4:59:15 PM)


For a couple of months we will have this card and Laboratory Maniac in Standard together. Someone please do this!
Posted By: lorendorky (7/20/2013 11:13:30 PM)


Has there ever been such a simple card that has done so many effects?
Posted By: Pendulous (7/9/2013 4:29:08 PM)


Play this, cast Force of Savagery and slap them for 9 turn 4.
Posted By: Sonserf369 (7/11/2013 8:57:56 AM)


See Overmaster and Quicken.

Don't be fooled. These spells are NOT "the other decks' answer to Pact of Negation". Though what they do have in common is 'force things out' the problem these one-mana 'shields' for your spells have is: they cost a mana. They have to cost a mana, and notice how they give you +1/+1 or an extra card on top.

Think that's pushed? Nah. That's compensation for costing a mana, even though the spells would be broken at 0 mana, they're almost plain bad at 1 mana. Here's my Top Secret Tech:

Play these 3 in EDH. That format is EXACTLY where it's ok to try ''increase the CMC of my spells in exchange for bombierness" as a strategy. In every format, you should try "DEcrease the CMC of my spells for the sake of Spikiness". It's a bit sad that these are 'traps', but they stop lying and start delivering when you find the right decks.

Another note: the Green one, because it's Green, might be different ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/17/2013 12:32:09 AM)


Simply put, this card is one of the best choices available for a green deck that has all the spots it needs filled.

Consider; it essentially comes out as losing one extra card and one mana to play a creature that even gets a free buff to put it back on the curve. It also confers flash and uncounterability. I'd say that's definitely at least worth being sideboarded; if they bother to counter this one it's already gone one for one.
Posted By: NARFNra (7/10/2013 5:40:09 PM)


In response, I cast Silence.
Posted By: CrazyLou (7/12/2013 8:45:42 AM)


I need at least four of these. Or like sixteen. Or more. I wanna hose me some blue mages, dawg.
Posted By: Aquitainus (7/10/2013 12:28:44 AM)


Blue, especially in the current RWU flash deck, has a lot of ways to deal with creatures once they are on the battlefield, and doesn't actually run that many straight counters. If the creature you cast using this dies, you just got straight-up two-for-oned. This is mitigated by giving the creature flash: you'll often have at least a turn with the creature on board and able to attack. However, a lot of the time this will be just some card disadvantage in return for some tempo. I suppose If your opponent has to use a bounce and a counter to get rid of your dude, then you're card-even, so that's okay. Still, think about how awful it feels to cast that giant bomb through 6 open mana without a care in the world only to have your opponent cast Doom Blade. Not sure I like it that much, but obviously it hasn't been played in any format yet, so who knows?
Posted By: Aremath (7/12/2013 12:25:44 AM)


Bad in disguise. There are much better versions of this kind of card that don't cause card disadvantage. I would have loved this if it said 'draw a card' at the bottom.
Posted By: SAUS3 (7/12/2013 10:59:26 AM)


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