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Community Rating: 3.660 / 5  (72 votes)
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Against anything other than black: it's 3 power unblockable.
Against W and/or G: It's obviously devastating.

Red might hurt it. Burn = bye-bye.

Perfect sideboard card. But, at it's best, it's game-changing. Definitely 5/5.
Posted By: dbinazeski (7/19/2013 6:15:42 PM)


Only Grixis laughs at him. And guess what shard is garbage right now? *sign*

Well, Lifebane Zambambo. I like him. He hits everything in Standard. The body itself dies easily, but that's fine, Gutshot doesn't exist anymore. 4 of 5.
Posted By: TexasDice (8/6/2013 6:59:19 PM)


Nice art. Strong ability vs rival colors. Best in a sideboard, but good enough to main deck. 3 power with evasion for 3 mana is good. 4.5/5
Posted By: Silence9 (8/19/2013 2:10:06 AM)


3/1 evasion with powerful card advantage for 3? And this card doesn't have 4+ rating? /facepalm :-P

A very solid card, and likely to be a staple of standard sideboards until 2014 rotates out.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/20/2013 1:06:42 AM)


This can get rid of Boros Reckoner if it is dropped first. What a great card!
Posted By: MechaKraken (8/21/2013 9:20:56 PM)


I can't remember the last time I played someone who wasn't running at least one of those colors.
Posted By: BlackKanjiTatsumi (8/25/2013 5:46:43 PM)


Look, it's been mentioned before, but getting a 3/1 intimidate for 3 cmc is fantastic just by itself and makes this main board worthy. Doesn't even matter if you aren't playing a deck playing green or white, when it hits the board, you get to look at your opponent's hand either way. That's a huge advantage just by itself, and everyone seems to be overlooking that. Against the decks it's strong against, clear 5/5. Against anything else, 4/5.
Posted By: Kyuuri117 (11/4/2013 7:38:29 PM)


Problem angel ??
Posted By: Pipikako (11/26/2013 9:40:35 AM)


3/1 with intimidate of a well-supported tribe for 3? Good deal.
3/1 with intimidate of a well-supported tribe that gives you a peek at the opponent's hand? Hell yes.
3/1 with intimidate of a well-supported tribe that gives you a peek at the opponent's hand and exiles a big green fatty(Worldspine Wurm is a pretty popular win-con around here)? It sucks I can only have one. I don't include vanilla creatures of any sort, regardless of costing, in my decks, but even if this just gave me a look at their hand I'd be adding it.
Posted By: EDHDeckbuilder (2/13/2014 9:32:24 PM)


Delver of Secrets was too good so they made Thragtusk. Thragtusk and Restoration Angel were too good, so they made Lifebane Zombie. Lifebane Zombie is so good that it helped make monoblack be the best deck in Standard while making GW practically unplayable. Vicious cycle.
Posted By: SirZapdos (6/10/2014 9:24:38 AM)


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