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Community Rating: 3.556 / 5  (54 votes)
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Not that great. He neither protects your slivers nor makes them kill your opponent faster.

It's only good in combination with slivers that give them tap abilities. Even then I wouldn't add too many of this, since, oviously, the ability doesn't stack.
Posted By: majinara (7/14/2013 7:28:13 AM)


This card is amazing, not only does the ability go with its color is so much cheaper than Synchronous Sliver. Amazing in a well planned sliver deck
Posted By: Eldrazi-Worshiper (7/31/2013 11:08:21 AM)


It's a vigilant bear by itself, which is something we've never seen before, and it has upside beyond that. How can you not love it?
Posted By: Continue (9/24/2013 2:19:08 PM)


Pretty awesome with Magma Sliver. Attack with a bunch of slivers, then tap all of them for a devastating attack phase.
Posted By: Totema (1/5/2014 9:31:27 AM)


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