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It's half of a Siege-Gang Commander. Half the cost, half the damage. Just, you know, a lot cheaper and in the form of an enchantment instead of a 2/2 body.
Posted By: Pendulous (7/9/2013 3:40:35 PM)



Yes I do.
Posted By: Twilly05 (7/9/2013 10:23:18 PM)


Goblin Bombardment is better. I'm willing to pay the 1 extra mana to ensure free sacrifices to come.
Posted By: Cyberium (7/9/2013 11:06:06 PM)


My main problem with this is that they didn't reprint Goblin Arsonist. Why do you not want limited combo Forked Bolt, Wizards?
Posted By: Taudisban (7/14/2013 7:55:40 AM)


It works-ish, but it is just so much worse than Goblin Bombardment and the art is really not helping that comparison any. I mean that the art is awesome, it SCREAMS Goblin Bombardment reprint but this is what it's stuck to. I am saddened it means we'll likely never get to see this art on that card.
Posted By: Nukeleo (7/16/2013 2:05:08 PM)


The key card of the BR sacrifice deck in M14 draft. With one of these and a Bubbling Cauldron in your deck, it's really easy to grind out wins from Act of Treason and Tenacious Dead. A few evasive creatures and enchantments, maybe a couple removal spells and an Altar's Reap or two, and you'll have a deck to rival some of the ever-present blue fliers decks.
Posted By: Houndhucker (8/26/2013 8:00:54 AM)


I think this is what most typical bosses do when you aren't living up to expectations. hey wait what are you?!?!?.........u .sweifj.................erd;oshj;kAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Posted By: Epicelves (9/9/2013 9:29:44 PM)


I thought I posted this.

With Barrage of Expendables and a deck with a first strike archetype, you can have your creature deal their first strike damage, and then sac them because they were going to die anyways for 1 extra damage. I think that's worth running 1 of this in a first strike archetype deck.
Posted By: obesechicken13 (3/20/2014 2:35:43 PM)


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