i feel that this card was build to be awesome specifically in one kind of deck alone: the kind that's similar to what i'm sporting:
4xKhalni Hydra
4xDeity of Scars
4xLeatherback Baloth
i know there are a lot of other green cards that have lots of symbols on it, but these 4 are the ones that are currently on MY deck and are pretty much the keys. worry not, i have enough lands and the mana ramp to support these beasts.
that being said, Nylea's Disciple fits snugly right in a couple of sorcery slots. i've had quite a few games where i gained 20+ life from just casting this with the keys ingame already. and it being a creature, adds a blocker too. and 3/3 isnt something to laugh about either.
Posted By:
(1/6/2014 6:42:33 PM)
Surprisingly useful card... In a green devotion deck if your ever struggling for Mana your defiantly doing it wrong, that being said every time I played this guy he gave me 9 to 12 Life and helped bump up all of my other devotion based actions.
I do feel though that his usefulness is strictly limited and hes borderline useless in non-devotion based decks, although the same can be said about Polukranos. The "XX(Forest)" in Monstrosity was designed to combo into Green Devotion Mana Overflow.
Posted By:
(2/26/2014 9:26:33 PM)