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Daxos: I see I was wrong to expect Akros's commitment to at least match our own.
Anax: Doesn't it?
(points to Meletian soldier behind Daxos)
Anax: You there, what is your profession?
Harry Potter: I am a potter... sir.
Anax: (points to another soldier) And you, Setessan, what is your profession?
Jace: Sculptor, sir.
Anax: Sculptor.

Anax: You?
Purphoros: Blacksmith.
Anax: :turns back shouting: AKROANS! What is your profession?
Spartans: WAR! WAR! WAR!

Anax: You see, old friend? I brought more soldiers than you did
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/18/2013 5:44:58 AM)


This is the card that Tajic, Blade of the Legion should have been. An interesting combat trick ability with a wide range of uses and applications.
Posted By: James_Kernaghan (9/18/2013 12:11:25 AM)


In the vein of Tibor and Lumia, we present Gerald and Lena! :D
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (9/17/2013 4:22:31 PM)


The first and most iconic hero of Theros. Communal trample is great for finishing the deal with a heroic deck.
Posted By: Purplerooster (9/18/2013 7:35:14 AM)


Yet another card that flickering ward breaks in half.
Posted By: Flyheight (9/18/2013 8:26:26 AM)


An interesting Commander for sure. I guess what you need is:
- lots of creatures, ideally double strikers
- buyback spells or cantrips
- lots of mana
Posted By: majinara (9/18/2013 10:22:08 AM)


I'm pretty sure that without Heroic on here, the card would still be obscenely good.

You have a body with:
-on curve offense
-whilst on top of that being first strike
-with on top of that defending you with superior defense

If Reckoner wasn't a thing this would be the obvious 3-drop in boros IMO. Instead I imagine you'll just be forced to do a 3/1 or a 3/2 split :D
Posted By: blurrymadness (9/19/2013 12:06:14 PM)


No mention of Boros Charm yet? Seriously?
Posted By: MostlyLost (9/25/2013 11:14:04 PM)


The ironic thing about First Strike and Vigilance is that unless you actually play with them a lot, your "Flavor Guess" when you read spoiled creatures with them is that

You expect First Strike to be good at Attacking.

You expect Vigilance to be good at Defending.


First Strike gives it 'a spear on the defense', so you will hold it back as a blocker because it's an aggressive, proactive, tactical blocker.

Vigilance gives it 'a shield on the attack', so you will be ''swinging'' with it a lot, because you DON'T have to swing (Tap!) at all to make an attack and deal more points of damage.

A creature with one ability and not the other is usually going to ultimately leave me wanting, because even after *knowing* my expectations won't match what it actually does. A creature with BOTH abilities is actually way more fantastic than my imagination even thought either ability was worth when I was assuming they worked the other way around.

A First Strike PLUS Vigil... (see all)
Posted By: ParallaxtheRevan (9/26/2013 8:59:35 AM)


I love the idea that one of them is the 2/1 hero with first strike and the other is a 1/1 constantly serving as the vigilant backseat fighter. "Did you check your left?" "Yes, dear." "Blocked right?" "Yes, dear." "Curb-stomping that Thragtusk?" "*sigh*...Give me a minute."
Posted By: SpaceMagic (9/26/2013 9:31:39 PM)


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