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Community Rating: 3.608 / 5  (79 votes)
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Overloaded Dynacharge = Overrun with these folks on the board.
Posted By: wolftree (10/26/2013 4:39:59 AM)


Hmmmmmmm... It seems you did pretty good work on this one Wizards. I thought at first that this was pushing the power creep envelope and I might have put the casting cost at RedWhiteWhite instead, but the fact that they are Legendary makes it a pretty fair card.

I think this card sets the border for the absolute maximum power bang you should get for your mana buck.
This also is what the mythic rares SHOULD be.
If this were mythic and only cost RedWhite, a ton of players including myself would be outraged.

@SiamKor I think you pointed out things pretty well with Mirri, Cat Warrior. The newer rares and mythic rares should keep pace with the good older cards, not constantly strive to obsolete them.

4.5/5 for being ever so slightly overpowered. A step in the right direction though.
Posted By: Phelplan (12/19/2013 12:52:50 PM)


Pictured in background: Colossus of Akros.
Posted By: NinStarRune (1/30/2014 4:24:23 PM)


Solid card. low drop. good abilities :D
Posted By: B00merangBlast (2/17/2014 4:20:21 AM)


My new general. Run a few equips and auras and youll see the amount of abilities stack really quick and effectively. They also really love deathtouch
Posted By: patronofthesound (3/3/2014 5:01:01 PM)


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