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This is insane. How many decks in those colours -won't- want to run four of this? Possibly none.
Posted By: James_Kernaghan (9/18/2013 12:18:41 AM)


Yes, I know it's in Lightning Strike range. That's why we run Master Biomancer too!! :D 5/5.
Posted By: SteveHiguita (9/18/2013 9:53:30 AM)


Allowing this to untap all permanents would just be absurd.
Many artifacts don't benefit from untapping on your opponents turn, but when they do benefit, it gets crazy.
Lux Cannon = Destroy a permanent at least twice as fast.
Phyrexian Processor = How many 10/10's do you want? Oh my, that's a lot of them...
Time Vault = I hate your face and every detail and feature of it. Stop existing.

So I'm happy this isn't 'strictly' better than Seedborn Muse. Even if Kruphix could untap artifacts, it still is BlueGreen, which means you can't put her in any non-BlueGreen EDH deck.
Posted By: Ferlord (9/21/2013 11:16:54 AM)


If you think this costs mana, you've been fooled.
Posted By: LordRandomness (9/24/2013 3:10:33 AM)


This card is amazing, I'm really wondering if this enables simic standard builds on tournament level. Its 3 toughness gives it resilience to a lot of burn, and if your opponent is tapped out you can flash in another creature on their turn in response to a removal spell. also with all the love green is getting and the solid simic cards that are around in standard I could really see this happening. I really WANT to see this happening to be honest. Let the deck building commence!
Posted By: Blasphemale (9/18/2013 7:57:41 AM)


This is very flashy. :3
Posted By: .Blaze. (9/17/2013 4:34:28 PM)


Love this card, play her on your turn, get your mana back on their turn to defend her, than end of their turn Flash in an Elite Arcanist that you get to use on your turn right away and then again on their turn. Simic Control FTW!!!!!

Posted By: BryceCarmony (9/22/2013 3:38:14 AM)


Hell, this could see standard as you get your mana back almost immediately. Instavolve!
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (9/17/2013 4:51:26 PM)


Similiar to BTE in that in practically replaces its self, but this of course is 3 mana more so it'll require some acceleration. It'll be interesting to see what creatures with ETB effects will become insane at instant speed.
Posted By: Purplerooster (9/17/2013 7:34:31 PM)


I actually giggled like a schoolgirl when I saw this. I mean, my Vorel EDH will love this, I love UG, it's great. Yes, it's in bolt range, but bolt's not in standard, and it'd be crazy if it wasn't.
Posted By: DaLucaray (9/17/2013 3:44:37 PM)


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