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Finally. But....where are all the minotaurs? I count seven in Theros. Plus, I expected R/G, not R/B
Posted By:
(9/18/2013 1:29:42 PM)
I LOVE that Minotaurs are Red-Black in this set :D
For people savvy on the difference between AD&D Minotaurs and MTG Minotaurs, the AD&D ones were much closer to the actual Greek-myth trope of a half-man, half-monster, struggling with an inner bestial nature. Really Tahngarth is practically a Satyr who drank too many Moo-Moo Muscle Shakes.
Minotaurs are EVIL....well, as evil as any human being in the real world anyway. They've been dancing and prancing around the pretended idea that Jace Beleren somehow 'chooses between good and evil everyday'. First of all- Jace is a wimp, he would NEVER consider MURDERING AND EATING someone. Minotaurs are HARDCORE RAKDOS. SECOND, Jace doesn't even make it much of an inner struggle. He does flat-out Morally Dubious things in-line with the fact that he enjoys behaving Dimir, and rarely plays Azorius unless it suits him or he's forced to because he's not tempted enough to watch the Entire World get a autocard... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 8:20:13 AM)
Other Minotaur ceatures you control get +1/+1 and are still limited fodder.
But seriously, I hope this means we get good minotaurs this block.
Posted By:
(9/18/2013 12:12:13 AM)
@Darth Parallax: Well, one also needs to remember that there was only ONE Minotaurus in Hellenic myth--Poseidon's idea of punishing Minos for not sacrificing the specially-sent bull. (Yes, the theoi were capable of some SPECTACULAR hissy fits, why do you ask?)
The nobility of the Hurloon, Talruum, and Boros minotaurs probably all stems from the iconic Hurloon Minotaur's flavor text WAY back in Alpha. Period. Back when nobody expected to expand on Dominian minotaurs any further than that. Although if we ever see Minotaur Demons, I'd rather they be less the original Minotaurus, and more like the Niudou from Chinese Buddhist myth (fierce and vicious as can be, but they're only interested in using those traits in their service as the gaolers of the hells).
(And I have to admit that the idea of JACE being the signal mascot because most people can identify with him doesn't sit too well with me. I'd sooner expect people to want to be like Ajani or Elspeth. Why be an (al... (see all)
Posted By:
(10/7/2013 8:57:06 PM)
...because Reckoner should be a 4/4 with trample...
Posted By:
(9/24/2013 8:57:51 PM)
nice. i hate to see pretty-much-strictly-better-than cards printed(keep your petroglyphs), but these guys were so due for a reliable lord.
i just wish they could've had anson maddocks do the art.
Posted By:
(10/2/2013 7:17:22 PM)
Two tribal lords for minotaurs, this guy and Kragma Warcaller? Dear god, all we need is a good one drop and you've got yourself a deck.
Posted By:
(10/11/2013 3:24:07 PM)