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So glad to see this again. With better art too!
Posted By: jenekee (10/29/2013 8:34:58 PM)


Never liked the older art of this. This art more depicts the domination of a creature. And look how awesome that creature is! I bet the other player is mad as hell.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/4/2013 2:41:49 PM)


So very, very happy that this art is in physical form at last. Such cool looking artwork. Among the best from the C13 product as far as I'm concerned.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (11/21/2013 9:34:25 AM)


Artwork of Jace Beleren enslaving an Inferno Titan? Cool...
Posted By: avimkv (12/1/2013 1:19:28 AM)


Fun card to see again. Its actually running 2-3 times as expensive as the old prints right now. Which is a shame, considering I really, really hate the old art. I'm usually a fan of the classic look, but the old printings make that dude look so confused. I honestly wonder if he's the one being controlled and is surprised at some activated ability of his that is being used without his consent.
That said, this isn't the best modern art either. Which is a shame, considering it deserves art at least as awesome as Mind Control. I do think this does a good job of depicting the title "Control Magic", even though the cards actual effect is limited to creatures. Hard to reconcile that discontinuity there, but "big, flaming golem thing" definitely fits the des.cription of "creature" without implying some sort of mind control (which I have to say, the actual card "Mind Control" did so dang well).
Posted By: jonrds (2/3/2014 8:51:50 PM)


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