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As you would expect, works great with things like Viscera Seer.

If you use this with Grave Pact, you will make people very sad.

If you use this with the Shattergang Brothers AND Grave Pact... You will lose friends.

And if you run those with Black Market, I think you win the game for eternity.
Posted By: NARFNra (10/31/2013 11:33:23 PM)


Seems sweet for a sacrifice build. Pops out tokens like nobody's business while protecting you as you build your engines. Definitely going into my Savra deck.
Posted By: L0rdH3nRz (10/29/2013 3:34:57 PM)


Surprisingly enough, a Snake token generator that you do not want in a Snake deck.

Excellent card which does its job in every other deck, however, and it's splashable as well.
Which is not surprising, coming from a Commander Set after all. Notice how it says "each upkeep".

You can't go wrong with this - if your opponent does not respond to this immediately, you'll get a deathtoucher.
And as long as its on the field, it costs your opponent either tempo or a creature each attack, since it makes sure you'll always have a 1/1 deathtoucher ready.

In Commander, this gives you a huge political advantage, since every player that wants to attack you will have to deal with your poisonous Snakes. This is probably the most defensive black card I've seen in a while.

Also if you have a sacrifice outlet - particularly thanks to that wording - this makes an extraordinary token generator!
You couldn't possibly ask for mor... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (11/3/2013 1:33:48 AM)


"How do you know that someone is REALLY awesome?"

"Well, how? Tell me."

"When even Sorin Markov thinks so!"
(Look at flavor text.)
Posted By: TheZombifier (10/30/2013 10:03:35 AM)


I always read this as "Ohiomancer" at first glace. Fitting enough, I suppose, given the abundance of snakes and "3 AM Walmart'ers" therein.
Posted By: SpaceMagic (11/6/2013 9:37:10 PM)


Shame e doesn't continually make snakes. Still, this card is not only useful as a sac outlet, but as deterrent. Don't forget the snakes have deathtouch...
Posted By: DaLucaray (10/29/2013 5:13:25 PM)


I wonder where he hides the snakes.
Posted By: Cyberium (10/30/2013 1:57:49 PM)


2013/11/12: EDIT

Oh, wait. Conspiracy got a new ruling as of 2013/09/20. "Affected spells, cards, and creatures lose all of their other creature types." I don't know whether it always worked like that and they made the ruling to clarify the card's effect, or if it was a functional change. I was under the impression creatures kept their old types and just added a new one.

So yeah, either way, there's your pratical, sensible and feasible way to abuse this, for 3BlackBlack. Drop Conspiracy, name Goat, and your Ophiomancer will check for Snakes and pop out a 1/1 Goat with deathtouch on your turn and everyone else's. Multiple Ophiomancers will drop multiple Goats.

Just beware of the Goatnapper. Maybe you should name Sheep instead.


If you manage to hit yourself with an Ego Erasure every turn, then you get a new token every turn. Of course, the downside is probably not worth it, in particular because it makes all... (see all)
Posted By: SiamKor (11/12/2013 1:49:53 PM)


This thing is my favorite card of the set. Amazing art, great feel, perfect for my Lyzolda deck. I overlooked it before because I didn't notice the "each upkeep" clause. But I love it now.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (11/15/2013 6:25:30 PM)


I love this card. I just wish it existed back when I still had my Savra EDH deck.
Posted By: ApocryphaEffect (11/24/2013 3:46:40 PM)


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