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A deathtoucher that replaces itself is a very powerful deterrant. Outclasses Giant Scorpion rather handily.
Posted By: Arachnos (11/27/2013 11:14:22 AM)


For shame, Gatherer commentariat! Snakes on a Plane references are played out...

The correct reference would have been: "Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?"

You boys better shape up! Wizards lobs a softball like that and nobody knocks it out of the park...
Posted By: SeriouslyFacetious (12/30/2013 5:44:55 PM)


Play Teysa, Orzhov Scion as your general with a repeatable sac outlet, like carrion feeder and every full round you get one free removal and an extra creature to boot.
Posted By: halflingwithring (2/1/2014 6:21:33 PM)


You know where Ophiomancer really appreciates putting her snakes?

In a Mortarpod!

You can kill one creature on each of your turns with this.
Posted By: syrazemyla (2/20/2014 4:24:05 PM)


Great for when you need something 'cheesy' to throw away for big gain like Contamincation, Sheoldred, Braids, Slum reaper, Fleshbag etc etc.

I consider this card something like a Bitterblossom 'lite'. Can't make as many tokens but makes them more often if needed. (1/1 death touch blockers EVERY upkeep if you used one to block the previous opponents turn.

Lovely damn card and cost a BIT less than bitterblossom.
Posted By: JeanNiBee (4/20/2014 6:12:53 PM)


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