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Community Rating: 3.846 / 5  (94 votes)
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Sometimes a card is just so gorgeous, so beautiful, so moving in its aesthetic loveliness that I simply have to have it, playability and constructed implications be damned. This is one of those times. I fear removal in Standard is too good for this to make serious waves, but one can hope against hope that, someday, this Eidolon will lead an army to victory in yet another of the countless battles it has faced over the centuries.
Posted By: Avensai (1/28/2014 10:10:54 PM)


This is just what my standard monowhite enchantment deck was looking for!
Posted By: Continue (1/28/2014 3:35:35 PM)


Fantastic card. Keldon Warlord, you have come far.

Hm, if I understand it correctly, it is a 1/1 if it is alone on the field (it remains an enchantment but is not an aura) but should give +2/+2 to the enchanted creature if bestowed, as it is an aura (+1/+1) and you control (at least) one creature, the one that is enchanted (another +1/+1).
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (1/28/2014 4:24:14 PM)


pretty fun and cool card with a reasonable bestow cost to boot!

Posted By: Boroski (1/28/2014 4:48:14 PM)


Perhaps the best white bestow creature we've gotten so far. Fantastic, and absolutely amazing art as well.
Posted By: WilyWiley (1/28/2014 7:16:21 PM)


He hangs out a lot with Uril, the Miststalker and Aura Gnarlid. Raymond Swanland art is gravy.
Posted By: NinStarRune (1/30/2014 2:07:23 PM)


Opened one of these and a foil Archetype of Courage right behind it in the same pack at the pre-release.

Seriously, take both of these side by side and pretend it's like, the Eidolon in front leading the dudes in the art of Archetype of Courage. It's so inspiring, I couldn't not play white in my sealed pool upon witnessing that.
Posted By: h4mx0r (2/1/2014 5:35:15 PM)


Pulled this and a Hero of Iroas in the prerelease. Didn't do too hot, but I won every game where this guy hit the table, and the hero hit first in half of those games.

Says something. He's good.
Posted By: TheBossHammer (2/2/2014 10:26:04 AM)


Yeah, great with creatures and auras, you guys keep looking at that text...

... and I'll keep looking at that sick art.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (2/3/2014 10:42:59 PM)


I wish more Bestow cards had decent bestow costs like this Spirit or Herald of Torment.
I feel like all Common and Uncommon Bestow cards were exclusively designed for limited...

This Eidolon is super solid, though.
It'll work very smoothly with Tallowisp and tutored Auras (like Ethereal Armor), as well as Kor Spiritdancer - particularly when you can draw a card from casting it as an enchantment.
Posted By: Mode (2/5/2014 4:00:25 AM)


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