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I could be wrong on this one, but I'm pretty sure that ***hole is zapping Keranos. We don't know exactly what he looks like, but we've seen his arm (Lightning Strike) and you can somewhat see him in Divination
Posted By: Syrtees (2/7/2014 7:21:47 PM)


What's the point of being an indestructible god if the cheapest enchantment removal in the set exiles at no extra cost? Bah!
Posted By: BorosGreengrocer (1/29/2014 2:43:08 AM)


Not sure whether should be running this or wear // tear in my RWU control deck.
Posted By: Flyheight (1/29/2014 9:49:17 AM)


When reprints make sense, this happens.
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (1/30/2014 7:56:33 AM)


Epic art.
Posted By: talcumpowder0046 (1/31/2014 5:05:43 PM)


Part of me is happy about this reprint, however there are already enough enchantment killers around and I feel that in a set where an awful lot of the creatures are enchantments as well, this was probably not the best card to reprint. Only time will tell, I suppose.

In sealed this is gold and in draft it is often a very early pick, especially if there is a notable lack of strong enchantments being passed to you: the weapons, Gods, cost effective bestow creatures like Nighthowler,Eidolon of Countless Battles,and Boon Satyr.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (2/2/2014 2:21:56 PM)


With all the gods that got pulled at the prerelease I went to, I was glad I had two of these.
Posted By: The_Hittite (2/3/2014 4:55:46 AM)


This art is awesome, though it did screw me over whenever my Mogis came out in the prerelease. Either way, I am never not going to call this card the LOIC (Low-Orbit Ion Cannon), because that is exactly what it is.
Posted By: Nasa1225 (2/4/2014 1:23:50 PM)


So good in this block! After the (frankly amazing) god removal, it gives Elixir of Immortality and Detention Sphere a rough time. Spirit of the Labyrinth, bother me not!
Posted By: Hunted0Lesser (2/8/2014 6:59:59 AM)


This is a finger to the gods and i like it cause if you cannot offer gods card you can just ignore them as a lot of other things in the format.
Bye bye Thassa !
Art is bad ass too, this card is gonna frightened a bunch of players.
Devotion decks for what know ?
Posted By: MojoVince (2/9/2014 2:34:47 AM)


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