This card is like a puzzle with no answer. I want to find something to like, but I can't. As others have said, mill is an all in strategy that doesn't have any spells that work with this. Evanescent Intellect feels like it was printed to combo with this, but both cards are awful. The combo of exiling face up and paying to activate kills this as a control strategy.
Storm decks have Grapeshot, Dragonstorm, Tendrils of Agony and Brain Freeze. I don't care if it exiles, this isn't good enough to see play with storm.
Posted By:
(3/26/2014 3:03:43 PM)
I've used this card in limited and actually won a few of my matches due to it. I used it in combination with floodtide serpent , fate foretold, and counter/bounce spells. Obvoiusly, the counter ability was useless in this format since most people only had 1 or 2 copies of the same card, but I was able to mill some of their win conditions and in one case I milled their entire deck with it. Definitely not the strongest card.
Posted By:
(4/12/2014 9:57:20 AM)
Maybe you are playing Theros block constructed and are desperate to make some kind of U/B mill stall deck with other defensive heroic/inspired creatures so you use things like Retraction Helix or Necrobite until something worth countering happens? He is two devotion! Why do I have so many of him ;-;
Posted By:
(5/12/2014 1:35:18 PM)