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Honestly, as a semi-broke EDH player I love it. I'm constantly using not just things like Chromatic Lantern and Darksteel Ignot but "sub-optimal" things like Manalith in my EDH decks as well, because I can't afford all the dumb broke mana-rocks from Magic's history. In most cases, this is another Manalith. In late game, it's a super-sized Manalith. Sure it's not indestructible, and there are some cases where the charge counters will hurt it, but fans of Everflowing Chalice will tell you that the situations where have charge counters are beneficial far outnumber the situations where it's detrimental.

Really glad I just pulled this in a prize pack prerelease, is what I'm trying to say.
Posted By: cardraptor6 (2/2/2014 9:01:14 PM)


Everflowing Chalice Mark II
Posted By: DeckMechanic (1/28/2014 3:54:11 PM)


I can see a lot of counter shenanigans with this and Vorel of the Hull Clade.
Posted By: itsmeyouidiot (1/28/2014 5:03:34 PM)


Most of the time, it's just going to be a Manalith
Posted By: Atali (1/29/2014 1:53:13 AM)


Strictly better than manalith.
Comobs with energy chamber and proliferate though :D
Posted By: enjoy (2/2/2014 5:41:04 PM)


To be fair this is more flexible than Gilded Lotus, probably why it's less efficient; With this you can bring it out with three mana to accelerate your mana by one, with Gilded you're always paying the full five for the full three. And of course the whole charge counter / proliferate thing.

I will say it really could have been an Everflowing Chalice at rare though, with XX instead of XXX as the cost. Still would have been a worse deal than Gilded for three mana production, but would have been consistent with an uncommon from not too long ago. i realize it's colored mana rather than colorless, but it is rare rather than uncommon.

Anyways, still good as is, probably 3 out of 5 territory.
Posted By: Yukikah (2/2/2014 10:32:07 PM)


I find it humorous that some people are saying to "just play gilded lotus". Ok, yes this costs 9 to get the same 3 mana, but can you cast the lotus for 3 to get only 1 mana, or 12 for 4 mana, or 15 for 5, etc? Can you trinket mage gilded lotus? proliforate shananigans, charge counter shananigens. If, like said, "in a vaccum", then I too would play lotus over this. But this isnt a vaccum, this magic. A game where we can think outside the (text)box, imagine interactions between cards. Yes, if you want 3 colored mana in an artifact, Lotus is better, but where this one shines is its versatility. I for one will be excited to try this in my EDH decks.
Posted By: Bbone37 (1/29/2014 11:16:46 AM)


@Continue Lulz, Can't beleive I missed that

This seams decent, has some 'stiff' competition with Sol Ring and Gilded Lotus in terms of EDH mana rocks though.

3.5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (1/28/2014 4:47:58 PM)


I doubt this would've been broken at Variable ColorlessVariable Colorless1, but the mana cost is cute.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (1/31/2014 12:16:33 AM)


A nice mana ramping/fixing tool for any deck that can be totally ridiculous in the late game.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/28/2014 5:55:03 PM)


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