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Community Rating: 3.167 / 5  (30 votes)
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I just used this in the pre-release BNG draft. Maybe I was just unlucky but I kept getting 2 for 1'ed when I'd enchant it. The problem with this thing is everything kills it, being vulnerable to artifact and creature removal. I would recommend only bestowing it so you don't get 2 for 1'ed.
Posted By: Johnny_Vegas (2/14/2014 2:27:39 PM)


What I like about this card is that it's fair and can do fairly well in a deck which may make use of it. It's obviously not powerful, but it's not bad and definitely has a place on Theros where Auras are rampant. This may not be your ideal "battleship" target, but it's still quite well-costed on it's own. 3/3 defender for 3 on it's own is fine, especially if you take into account that it's an artifact (some colors like blue or red have a harder time having "on curve" creatures than other colors).
Nothing really explosively exciting, but definitely not a weak card.
Posted By: Dabok (2/15/2014 11:31:29 AM)


@TheVizier: You are a glorious bastard.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/14/2014 9:11:15 PM)


Excellent in limited. I recently dominated a BNG draft with a deck including three of these, two Setessan Oathsworn and a lot of enchantments (among other things). Even before being enchanted, they're solid bodies, alleviate color issues, and since they wouldn't be able to attack the turn they're played anyway, give you plenty of opportunity for essentially a vanilla 3/3 for 3. While not core to my deck, they were certainly helpful, especially when well-enchanted (Ghostblade Eidolon + Eidolon of Countless Battles, anyone?)
Posted By: r2d2go (4/23/2014 9:52:11 PM)


i have this in foil,looks REALY cool
Posted By: kronos1225 (5/7/2014 3:30:40 AM)


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