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Use him to give away Master of the Feast and you get to draw some cards. I feel like this guy is going to be relevant even after this set rotates out. I bet he'd be fun to build a deck around
Posted By: SlushyJones (4/26/2014 9:54:35 PM)


"Daring Do, and the first casualty of War".
Posted By: TheZombifier (4/27/2014 12:53:26 AM)


Use Orb of Dreams with Amulet of Vigor and the new inspired creatures to cause them to trigger immediately, and anytime you flicker them.

Blue and Black have any good choices which do not require additional mana:
Arbiter of the Ideal
Daring Thief
Disciple of Deceit
King Macar, the Gold-Cursed
Servant of Tymaret
Siren of the Silent Song
Sphinx's Disciple

Then use Conjurer's Closet to get some bonus uses out of them.
Use Mimic Vat to trigger them on demand.
Posted By: kiseki (4/28/2014 1:53:22 PM)


For Freed from the Real, use Glitterfang or Fiery Mantle.
Posted By: S-r-ex (5/1/2014 7:21:29 AM)


That's actually one of the most powerful exchange rares, it seems. Plus, he can actually hold his own in combat pretty well.
Posted By: Arachnos (5/1/2014 7:45:41 AM)


presence of gond
Posted By: eleka (5/5/2014 5:54:22 PM)


As crappy as she may seem, she wouldnt be too bad in a token deck. Exchanging my dinky 1/1 pigeon token for your rotting hulk is entirely worth it. And with all the blue enchantments that let your creatures scry, you could tap her without having to enter combat and prep for your next draw step.
Posted By: IllUber (6/4/2014 10:29:08 PM)


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