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It's instant speed, so you can cast it after blocking or during your opponent's end step.
Posted By: LordRandomness (4/27/2014 10:26:31 AM)


Combines well with...

Well, the entire Theros Block, really.
Posted By: PopcornBunni (4/27/2014 7:05:22 PM)


Friggin house! Funnily enough the one time I pulled it in my prerelease deck I was actually just using it to save a creature by giving it +1/+1 and I didn't even fight anything with it. XD
Posted By: Flyheight (4/28/2014 8:52:22 AM)


Seriously an amazing card, i was at a prerelease im at 3 life, my opponent at 10 my opponent swings with askyspear cavalry, a Tethmos high priest and two Breaching hippocamp thinking he has won the game. i have master of the feast and swarmborn giant i cast this for targeting both my creatures mid combat master of the feast blocks Tethmos high priest and fights skyspear cavalry and swarmborn giant blocks one Breaching hippocamp and fights the other making me go 4 for 1 and clearing my opponents field leaving me open to swing for 11 on my next turn and win the game
Posted By: be-ash (5/3/2014 10:03:16 PM)


Combine with Agent of the Fates... preferably multiple Agent of the Fates...

Heroic trigger plus fight = 2 for 1... unlike things like Fall of the Hammer, or other Fight effects, you don't pick the target for fighting until after the spell resolves, so they sac a creature before you fight with Deathtouch.
Posted By: Rayenous (5/6/2014 7:38:26 AM)


I can't help but feel some of the artists for Theros had some Attack on Titan inspiration...
Posted By: infernox10 (5/8/2014 12:13:18 AM)


Finally, a use for all those Pharika deathtouch snakes.
Posted By: Nasa1225 (5/9/2014 2:48:53 PM)


This card is a lot of fun in commander... Target every threat on the board with it, and sit back and watch as everyone around the table throws their big thing at the next guy's big thing. I like to call it "Setessan Street Brawl", haha.
Posted By: Mojangles (6/3/2014 1:45:37 PM)


Does this card give a second attack? I'm really confused on how it works.
Posted By: dagfighter95 (6/6/2014 1:11:02 PM)


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