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@Fictionarious its good because if you have a lot of lands out and you have a bunch of low cost cards (like in a R/U instant/sorcery deck) then you can keep casting them. Essentially, as long as you have the mana to keep it going, you can play a ton of stuff in your deck, and if you have draw spells in the deck itself, you can go through a ton of different cards in a single turn. I'm really mad that they haven't reprinted this b/c i just began running it in a R/U deck thats standard from the zendikar block and before it, the deck was fine, but after it just dismantled my opponent time and again.
Posted By: ChampionofSquee (7/7/2010 3:07:51 PM)


Unless I'm horribly, horribly mistaken, this is downright amazing with necropotence- Don't like the card on the top of your deck? Pay 1 life and exile it, so you can get something more useful instead.

Of course, this sort of thing is only efficient in EDH, but still.
Posted By: sir_dwar (5/3/2010 5:01:30 AM)


I totally love this card. Lets you eat throught your deck faster than you can imagine. At least until you hit the second land for the turn.
Posted By: DonkeyMaster (4/22/2009 12:08:08 PM)


I want to replace my Mind Unbound in my zombie deck with this and combo it with Rooftop Storm. I could easily burn through chunks of Zombies at a time for free.
Posted By: skormeus (2/23/2012 10:24:53 PM)


if you actually play this card often enuf, i think youd agree that this is one of the most fun and fuckin kool cards
Posted By: Khultar (1/13/2011 11:50:28 PM)


This and the Magus are both awesome. This is a bit more durable, but the Magus has the advantage of being in a supported type. I use Vedalken Aethermage to fetch it all the time :P
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (2/25/2010 8:09:07 AM)


let's you go through your deck faster and discard doesn't effect the top of your library.
Posted By: thaviel (2/10/2009 9:33:38 PM)


Has anyone noticed how the Time Spiral block is named after cards from previous sets?
Like Planar Choas from Judment, Time Spiral from Urza's, and Future Sight from Onslaught?
I think its ironic.
Posted By: Ruztyz (11/4/2009 4:44:39 PM)


I love this card, if I'm playing mono blue, it's always in.
Posted By: MonMan (10/20/2009 10:22:05 PM)


This card is fun with Azusa, Lost but Seeking
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (3/18/2012 2:44:52 PM)


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