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Community Rating: 3.276 / 5  (76 votes)
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Good against small girls...
Posted By: Superfrasse (9/26/2011 6:40:31 AM)


Strictly worse than Llanowar Elite.
Posted By: Forgeling (8/19/2009 10:02:05 PM)


I love this guy for nothing more than having a removale spell in hand, opponit has 2 target of equal threat, swinging with this guy, having them laugh and block it, than blowing up their creature. "You still take one!"
Next game they triple blocked it to be safe, so I Venomous Breath the elf. It was beautiful.
Posted By: wolfbear2 (1/13/2010 3:58:12 PM)


This+Firebreathing/Giant Growth/Monstrous Growth/any number of other pump spells= Beatdown with a one-drop
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (7/23/2010 6:28:25 PM)


This guy is just so silly. A 1/1 trampler. "I defy your puny logic!"
Posted By: littlebeast (12/8/2009 8:05:51 AM)


You could have a lot of fun attacking with this guy and leaving green mana open... and watching your opponent not block for fear of a pump spell. Thanks for the free 1 dmg!
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (3/18/2010 10:23:15 PM)


This card is gigantomancer's best friend.
Posted By: VorthosianLoreWeaver (7/9/2010 11:51:08 PM)


This elf looks belligerent.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (6/9/2012 6:42:07 PM)


Screw you, Dad, I AM gonna run away from home and join the army!

...strictly uglier than every other elf printed ever. No wonder he acts out.
Posted By: Salient (12/7/2012 6:13:40 PM)


This guy is actually quite amazing. As for the comments stating he is "striktly worse then" other cards is probably one of the dumbest things you can say, especially if you play magic, mainly because the way Magic is designed, every card has a use, and personally, I don't care about Llanowar Elites ability, because, sure, that's a great little "oh, hey, it's late game, why not?" kind of ability, but all I have to say is Immaculate Magistrate, and of course, I am such a hardcore Green Mage, I also have to mention Doubling Season in there. I use this guy, and Llanowar Elite in the same deck. Why? Because it means I have not 1, but 8 possible chances to pull a creature with trample, and as long as my opponent isn't playing something with Banding to stop that trample, I am probably going to beat-them-to-death with one of these guys.
Also, I use him in my White\Green token deck because of the wonderful, (and now totally broken) ... (see all)
Posted By: TAGVoar (8/28/2011 12:06:33 AM)


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