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I once built a clay figurine of this dude.

I wish he were a 5/6, though. you have to swing 4 times to kill an opponent either way, but with one more toughness he'd be able to take out another 5/5 flying dragon and survive.

Awesome dragon...why does is tarox so weak in comparison? I guess Rorix got the good genes.
Posted By: Laguz (8/31/2009 8:29:37 AM)


Got to be the most uninspiring dragon art there is.
Posted By: Coldbrand (11/28/2009 10:45:00 AM)


i loved this card back in the day! I used to have a dragon deck :P with this guy and his dead part Bladewing the Risen
Posted By: Kikke (9/14/2011 6:54:10 PM)


I have good memories of this guy. 6 power, flying and haste is a potent combination. I used to get him out early with Seething Song, Dragonspeaker Shaman and land-get cards. This guy marked my coming into my own as a Magic player and I will always remember him. :) He's still a good creature, even today. Maybe not as good as Demigod of Revenge, but still awesome.
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (6/1/2012 12:59:50 PM)


For those who don't know, this is one of the five legendary pit fighters from Onslaught. They all cost six mana total, three colorless and 3 of one color. They are:
Jareth, Leonine Titan, Arcanis the Omnipotent, Visara the Dreadful, Rorix Bladewing, and Silvos, Rogue Elemental
Posted By: Skeletextman (10/31/2012 1:32:25 AM)


My favorite creature in the game. Nobody (hell, no card) won me more games than this guy.
Posted By: BigBer (3/24/2013 5:47:36 AM)


poor volcanic dragon
Posted By: raptorman333 (2/12/2014 10:41:34 AM)


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