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Community Rating: 4.344 / 5  (144 votes)
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Throw a Serra's Embrace on this guy.
- I agree. Serra's Embrace will turn Jareth into the monster he pretends he isn't xD- A 6/9 Jareth with Flying and Vigilance just sounds cruel to me. Just be careful not to give him protection from white, since that'll destroy all white Auras on him >_>

On the other hand, I don't agree with Hawk_Man:
"A fine example of how white's flavor (defense) leads to them being weaker than the other colors".
- That simply isn't true. White is some of the fastest decks in standart, playing effecient creatures & working together to take down most threats. What white can't take down as a team, is can stop with Pascifism, Journey to Nowhere or one of the many other pacifiers.

Don't you dare telling me that a 3rd turn Spectral Procession followed by a 4th turn combat step Celestial Crusader is weak compared to other colors. Everything has an an... (see all)
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (11/6/2009 2:42:18 PM)


What a terrifying general. Instant speed protection on the cheap is horrifying. I dig it. 5/5
Posted By: bfugitive (4/15/2011 6:40:53 AM)


This is one of the best cards i think has been made, he may not be an attacker as are most of the other pit fighters, but when you get right down to it, all he has to do is block whatever creature and odds are he won't die from damage, and even if he would, you can still give him protection. He only costs 3www so he's usually a mid-game card and for the abilities you get for that price only one word can truly sum it up......EPIC!!! This is all without the help of enhancements like "able to block any number of creatures" and/or "vigilence and flying".
Posted By: chainerrhysaltaiir (8/27/2009 8:33:50 PM)


Probably the weakest of the pit fighter cycle from Odyssey. He's only hitting for 4 damage with an upkeep of at least W if you send him in on offense, and who wants to pay 6 for a wall? He can't even really fight the other gladiators: Arcanis the Omnipotent won't be killing through damage, Visara the Dreadfulcan just fly over him, as can Rorix Bladewing, and all he can hope to do is hold Silvos, Rogue Elemental to a stand still. He's a solid enough creature, but is badly outclassed in his weight category. A fine example of how white's flavor (defense) leads to them being weaker than the other colors.
Posted By: Hawk_man (12/4/2008 10:15:48 PM)


This Dude Rattles Awesome Cat
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (5/29/2009 9:54:59 PM)


I just realized that this guy basically has the defensive half of bushido seven.

Let that sink in for a sec.
Posted By: ShatterPalm (12/3/2013 4:28:24 PM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: sancrosact (6/15/2010 10:50:39 AM)


OMG a Giant Cat? Is Sonic Adventure all over again! D=

XD Jokes aside, I like him, he is pretty good!
Posted By: NatalyNeeSama (7/27/2011 4:03:02 AM)


I pulled this guy off with an Entangler and Asha's Favour yesterday in a game with a friend, along with a leyline of sanctity. He immediately conceded. For everyone who would underestimate this guy, let's just go over what that would make him: you'd have a 4/7 that could block any number of creatures and whenever it does so, gets +7/+7 for each creature it's blocking, can get protection from any colour of your choice for one white mana (thought white would be an awful idea in this situation) and to top it off, has flying, first strike and vigilance. Unless something's unblockable or has horsemanship or shadow, nothing's getting through that- except direct burn. Which you can stop with leyline of sanctity.
Posted By: ScepterofEternities (10/30/2011 10:35:30 AM)


You know he would be a mythic rare of epic proportions if they re-released him. Everything about this card is fantastic, his protection is amazing his free righteousness all for the low cost of 3WWW? *** this would make an amazing general in a all white EDH.
Posted By: BorosGeneral (12/1/2011 10:21:21 PM)


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