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Community Rating: 1.708 / 5  (36 votes)
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You are correct about needing 7 to kill it through its own ability. For everyone confused, the ability doesn't trigger for the first creature blocking it. Although it would take just 4 to make it harmless.

@Dolorosa: You are quite mistaken. The ability just lasts until the end of the turn, so becomes a 6/6 again the next turn. There's nothing permanent about this card's ability besides death.

Thinking about it, this card could have been good if it was printed as black. But green has way too many efficient creatures that completely outshine it.
Posted By: BastianQoU (2/11/2012 10:56:40 AM)


I love wurms, but this is terrible.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/2/2012 1:06:29 PM)


A wurm that looks like a wurm. HA!
Posted By: Ferlord (11/23/2012 6:53:34 AM)


Block with a 5/5, you guy lives, wurm dies
block with two 2/2s, one of your guy lives, wurm dies
block with three 1/1s, all your guys live, wurm dies

Posted By: shotoku64 (12/20/2012 12:58:58 AM)


Actually, if you block with a single 5/5, two 2/2s, or three 1/1s, the Wurm wins every time, only failing to kill one of the 1/1s. Read the card again.

Yes, the card has a bad ability. But it's an interesting bad ability, so that's at least a star.
Posted By: Gandlodder (11/24/2013 4:49:51 PM)


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