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It would depend whose turn it was, because players are supposed to draw in order, starting with the active player (the one whose turn it is). So if it was your turn, after everyone had discarded their hand you would draw your cards first. There would be no point using this card's abilities since each opponent's hand would be empty at the time you're supposed to draw.

In comparison, if you used the Archivist's ability on your opponent's turn (or the opponent immediately after you in multiplayer) this would work how you want it to. Everyone would draw X cards, with you drawing last and thus able to use Words of Waste.
Posted By: nemokara (2/28/2012 5:30:48 PM)


At $1.00/Gumball, I'll have to pass.. I do believe however, it should be noted that this is one of the few cards that can cause an opponent to discard during their own turn, that can be brutal. The way to play this, I'm guessing, would be somewhere between T3-T6, hang on a sec.. If I'm to draw 4 cards, all from the same spell/source, I pay 1 and they have to discard 4 right? If so, throw in some kind of cheap enchantment or 2 that hits for 2 damage each time an opp discards AND draws (make even their bright spot burn!) and that's how I'd use it on em :)
Posted By: Mike-C (7/1/2012 4:54:49 AM)


Hmm, instant speed discard (if you draw a card on their turn, anyway)
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/19/2012 5:16:39 AM)


This card is such a torture machine. It's just really not fun, is it? Haha
Posted By: ASkylitShips (10/19/2012 1:06:11 AM)


Geth's Grimoire and Words of Waste give you this sweet ability:
{X}: Each opponent discards X cards. Activate this ability only if you would draw a card. (You still get to draw the card)
Posted By: Renegade_Punk (10/27/2012 10:43:58 AM)


Seems like this could be fun with Eldrazi Spawn and Fecundity. Essentially gives your Spawn "Sacrifice this creature: Each opponent discards a card."
Posted By: ArelMCII (5/13/2013 2:24:28 AM)


Great with Damia, Sage of Stone in EDH.
Posted By: TheShadow344 (8/10/2013 3:11:39 PM)


you gotta read the card! I misunderstood too, but it's right there on the text:
"1: The NEXT time you would draw A card this turn, each opponent discards a card instead."

so, once you pay and skip your first card draw, it's done; you'll have to pay to activate it again and again if you want to force them to discard for your multiple card draws. it's one mana per card, not one mana for four cards.
It's still good, but it's not quite the cheap combo you think it is...
Posted By: PastProphet (1/25/2014 10:52:58 AM)


Note that this is instant speed if you have instant speed card draw (Sensei's Divining Top) you can lock out the game right there. Every turn:
-Draw the top
-play it
-Use draw ability at the end of their draw step
-Replace draw ability
-Put the top on top of your library

Permanent lockdown.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/4/2014 3:34:05 PM)


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