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This thing + basilisk collar = You gain X life times 10 for every creature and every player
Posted By: sniper_ix (7/16/2011 1:44:15 AM)


I remember running my friend's oddly built goblin deck in a multiplayer game, drawing into this card, and realizing I had my victory all set up.

Being able to drop him, and being able to use his ability on the same turn (you can even tap him, which is great) just pulls out a surprise victory to anyone who thought they were safe with 10 life.
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (8/23/2011 6:31:19 PM)


but if you Tainted Strike then you get ten counters as well
Posted By: robits_for_the_win (1/25/2012 8:14:11 PM)


Tainted Strike.

@robits_for_the_win: Personal Sanctuary.
Posted By: MasterOfBearLore (5/10/2012 11:43:44 PM)


so much fun to be had with this card, most of it suicidal, but still fun. i still remember playing his abbility in an EDH game were we all had less then 10 life, it was a 5 way tie.
Posted By: marwinshieldscale (8/8/2012 1:10:26 AM)


I think Siege-Gang Commander is the perfect card with this. Puts his ability in range to use whenever you wish.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/4/2013 5:35:49 AM)


you don't have to tap him, we should note. so badcombosfordays:

get 3-4 goblins out early with things like krenko's command, manacheat him, then do some crazy storm shit and empty the warrens, (only need storm count of like 3-4 here) then tap all of your goblins for 20 damage, resulting in a draw! hahahaHAHAHAhahahahHAHAHAHAHA
Posted By: CogMonocle (7/12/2013 7:41:48 AM)


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