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I actually bought a booster of legions for three dollars at a local comic book store and my rare happened to be Phage
Posted By: albrochill (11/3/2010 1:06:46 AM)


Wow this card has a lot of potential and is fun in a zombie deck. Though in a deck built around her it is possible to win with her by turn 4 without even using her to attack with cheap cards;

Starting Hand, 3 Dark Ritual, 1 Phage the Untouchable, 1 Endless Whispers, 1 Swamp and 1 Mountain.

Start turn one playing the swamp, drawing another swamp. Then turn two by playing the mountain, throw down a dark ritual to play Endless Whispers and also drawing a terminate. Throw down the last swamp on turn three and then use dark ritual twice to play Phage. At this point it does not matter what you do because you terminate her on turn 4 sending her to your graveyard which in turn forces her into play from your graveyard under your opponents control making him loose the game.

Of course you could just pull of a turn two win and play her on turn one with two black lotus, 1 swamp and attack on turn two.
Posted By: ColossusofSardia (8/4/2009 1:15:56 AM)


Dam This Girl Is One Ice Queen Id Still Try To Touch Her Though
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (5/23/2009 12:48:17 PM)


My friend just got 201 legions cards and I pray this is one of them
Posted By: TheSwarm (7/30/2010 10:12:04 AM)


In EDH, I'll have to pay 2 extra to lose the game again.
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (9/18/2011 7:00:57 PM)


a few time ago this was mine... but instead of this... i've got the Avatar of Woe!!! I am so happy about this... it really saved the universe!!!
Posted By: caralhodepica (1/12/2012 8:15:21 PM)


Heartless Summoning could also help, but, yeah, definitely not as much as Rooftop Storm. BlueBlack or BlueBlackGreen Phage Ramp, anyone? It's just ridiculous enough to work...in casual.
Posted By: Ragamander (11/11/2011 12:22:34 PM)


I used to run her in my black zombie deck because she was just that bloody cool. Now she is a zombie. Poor enemies, she just wants a hug and a nice Whispersilk Cloak. Of course, she does make me vulnerable to some tricks like Otherworldly Journey, but at least she protects me against Liliana Vess while she is in my graveyard. (apparently having her use her ultimate while Phage is around causes a lethal catfight or something...) Just a sweet card over all.
Posted By: Sorain (4/1/2012 4:40:41 AM)


Thanks to the way my local card store runs EDH tourneys, I can always have a sure 4-points each game, since every time you kill a player, you get 2 points. It doesn't matter if it's you or not: someone got the 2 points by Ancient Tombing himself

I'm going to plan to play a terribly defensive and pathetic deck that annoys rather than destroys. It will include Oppression, Jinxed Idol, Subversion, Syphon Flesh, Syphon Mind, Phyrexian Obliterator...

All of the cringe-worthy spells that'll make my opponents happy rather than sad that I killed myself.

See, usually, most people get 2-3 points in the end. This way, I can at least get third or fourth.

... Then again, it kind of defeats the purpose of going to a tournament in the first place...
Posted By: Ferlord (7/3/2012 8:43:55 PM)


I wish they had made Zagorka as a card, or at least mention her in the flavor text on a card or two. That old lady was awesome as was her donkey.
Posted By: Captain_Sisay_2591 (1/20/2014 3:24:06 AM)


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