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Not strictly better than Savage Twister, this is harder to cast in a GreenRed deck, which trumps cycling 3 IMO.
Posted By: M@tttyZ (9/13/2010 9:43:07 AM)


I think this is way better than Savage Twister By a long shot, Even in my three color EDH deck(Blue, Red, Black) I can see me running this with no problems... Way better than comet storm (which for some reason is a mythic)
Posted By: MrCleric (11/9/2010 5:20:57 PM)


@MrCleric - Being able to hit players, as opposed to being limited only to creatures, is exactly why Comet Storm is a mythic...and generally better than this unless your opponent has a huge swarm of creatures on the field.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (1/30/2011 9:28:25 PM)


m@ttty2, your wrong about everything you said.

cycling is great for high cost cards.
its an instant.
it goes in a mono red deck. (duh.)
and even in a red green deck, you're probably casting this for about 5 or 6 mana if you want to 'Red Wrath'. if you dont have 2 red and 2 green by your 6th land, you probably dont have a stong manabase and shouldnt be playing a gold deck.
and its an instant. Lava Spike IS NOT Lightning Bolt. don't say 'arcane', I wont listen.

if i was going to make a red green deck, and was picking between twisters and this and only got 5 slots, id pick 4 of this and only 1 of twister. whereas if twister was really as good by comparison as you say, i would be more likely to split 2 twisters and 3...whats this thing called? Starstorm? yeah 3 of that. 3 starstorms. it is so obvious that comet storm is based off this card, lol.

Posted By: DarthParallax (3/20/2011 8:09:06 PM)


I didn't know that Ness was a planeswalker!!!
Posted By: Superllama12 (11/29/2011 2:57:00 PM)


One of the best red cards ever printed. Easily competes with Pyroclasm for overall effectiveness/cost-efficiency. ... though I have to say that I think Pyroclasm wins the efficiency battle.

Compares/contrasts well with Sulfurous Blast. Probably beat out a bit in efficiency by Chain Reaction, especially if Reaction is supported by Pyroclasm, and especially in a group game. Then again, Starstorm is an almighty Instant, not to be forgotten.
Posted By: humor_love (3/8/2012 10:37:00 AM)



Comet Storm has good benefits that this one does not:
-It can hit players
-It doesn't hit your own creatures

Most of the time if I Comet Storm; I do it for lethal or clear the enemy line while also doing some amount of damage to the opponent.

If you consider a massive amount of mana (such as 10) you can imagine that you'd be able to kill the opponent's board with either card, but Comet Storm leaves your board untouched, hits the opponent for some damage, and may well cause you to win *right there.* I regularly combo into Comet Storm for lethal to multiple opponents at a time.
Posted By: blurrymadness (12/21/2012 9:56:29 PM)


I use this very effectively in a creatureless burn deck along with repercussion. The more creatures they have, the less mana it takes for this card to obliterate your opponent.
Posted By: endersblade (2/1/2013 3:12:28 PM)


Posted By: LordRandomness (3/14/2013 6:18:26 PM)


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