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Why is this blue?

Who cares? You're making effing DRAGONS!
Posted By: Axelle (6/8/2011 2:19:27 PM)


What a fun card...Have a couple of creature controlling cards at hand, and play this with a little help of High Tide.
OR EVEN Reins of Power their creatures, use a High Tide, cast this and hello Dragons!!
Posted By: Jokergius (10/20/2009 10:07:13 PM)


Playing Gather Specimens in response to this is the perfect way to ruin someone's game.
Posted By: Lege (11/7/2009 10:19:47 AM)


I saw mention of Johira, and that amde me think... turn 3-4 get Joira out... suspend both this and Insurrection

4 turns later... PROFIT!

not to mention you return the creatures under YOUR control when it goes :D

you know... assuming you don't kill them that turn/they have disenchant
Posted By: Snafinturtle (12/13/2010 10:50:30 PM)


Oh my god, this card says to return the exiled cards to play under your control. Not their owners' control, yours, the controller of the enchantment. I am running this in EDH with reins of power and twist allegiance, and I am stealing everyone's shit.
"Your enchantment is gone, now give me my creatures back."
"No. Read it again."
Posted By: Amnesigenic (7/19/2011 7:23:13 AM)



Yes, yes you can. Great combo. Play Day of the Dragons, then once you have your dragon tokens, play Energy, changing all instances of the word Dragon with Squirrel. For anyone wondering how you can cast this quickly when playing blue... there's always Jhoira of the Ghitu.
Posted By: nammertime (8/9/2010 1:36:03 PM)


Might be red dragons to negate protection from blue effects. ie--your opponent has a protection from blue card on the field making all your blue creatures useless, use this and swap them all for red creatures. Good sideboard card for playing decks specifically designed to protect from blue.
Posted By: theod3 (9/4/2009 7:57:04 AM)


My new deck, roughly speaking:
Phyrexian Walker
Shield Sphere
Iron Myr
Steel overseer
Protean Hulk
day of the dragon
Freed from the real
Tolarian Academy

Flash the Hulk, pull all 16 0CMC creatures and 3 of the myr. Tap the myr for red and play insurrection, then the Academy for Day of the dragons. Watch the horrified looks on everyone's faces when you swing for at least 80.

If that doesn't get me kicked out of the house, bounce the enchantment, get my creatures back, then use a steel overseer, freed from the real, and the academy to drop 20+ +1/+1 counters on the artifact creatures. Maybe add an Akroma's memorial for extra sauce.

Sa... (see all)
Posted By: rankodd (9/11/2011 10:58:25 PM)


a blue card that turns all of your creatures into red dragon tokens... would be excellent in and token deck that could play it
Posted By: Wolf-blood (6/9/2009 9:24:32 AM)


that would work amazingly well in the new "m10" decks, there is an intro deck thats blue and red... these are the cards i look for so i can make opposites attract...
Posted By: j.prince_09 (9/10/2009 11:57:53 AM)


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