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Arguably strictly better than Mangara's Tome.
Posted By: nammertime (11/28/2009 8:57:37 AM)


This card is excellent, but if you approach it like a Tutor you'll be disappointed. This isn't meant to fetch one card; if you use it thus you'll probably die waiting to draw that one Darksteel Colossus you know you have coming. Instead, it essentially lets you stack your deck for the next seven draws. If it's comparatively early in the game, get combo pieces, chump blockers, even lands; anything that will benefit you. If it's later in the game and you have the resources, go ahead and fetch the Colossi and Cloudscrapers and what-have-you. This card is incredibly versatile, and that makes it good.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (6/16/2009 6:34:34 PM)


Be careful; my opponent once put all his powerful cards in here and I removed the enchantment next turn, locking him out of 7 game-winners. He conceded. That this is an enchantment makes this a much more fragile card.
Posted By: Baines-Slayer (10/31/2009 10:16:51 AM)


Nab four Reality Strobes and three other good cards. When you're done with that pile, you can bounce it and get another seven cards!

@nammertime: "arguably strictly better" doesn't even make sense. Anyway, Mangara's Tome has an obvious advantage in that it removes less cards - thus making it more likely you'll draw a particular one.
Posted By: littlebeast (12/8/2009 6:06:52 AM)


"and shuffle that pile"

Four words that turned a potential allstar into a junk rare.
Posted By: scumbling1 (4/20/2011 4:38:06 PM)


I think mangara's tome is actually strictly worse, since you can just fail to find a few of your 7 if you want less and want more of a chance of drawing 1 of them. For example, let's say you REALLY wanted to draw a bunch of chimney imps. You could cast this, search for 4 of them, fail the search on the rest of your cards, then get 1 chimney imp a draw step for the next 4 turns (or faster, possibly, you ARE playing blue...). I'm pretty certain you can do this, but someone else tell me if this doesn't work...
Posted By: channelblaze (9/13/2010 3:15:04 PM)


and some five color control.. he he bunnies...
Posted By: spacemunky (11/12/2009 6:35:26 PM)



You:"Uh, I only have one card in my deck."
Opponent:"Wh-..what are you talking about, you still have at least 30 cards in your library!"
You:"Um...well...YOU CAN'T PROVE IT.. Trollolololololol blue tutor ftw!"
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (8/28/2011 6:05:07 PM)


With Wheel of Fortune this turns into a seven-card tutor, don't know if it is worth it though^^
Posted By: Saigmundur (1/21/2010 1:44:35 PM)


Can you "fail to find" some of those 7 cards like you can with tutors?
Also, what happens if an opponent gains control of Parallel thoughts?
Posted By: Th3_Dark_On3 (3/8/2010 6:22:45 PM)


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