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Community Rating: 4.222 / 5  (81 votes)
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*glances up at Emrakul, the Aeons Torn*

Pssh, I can take that chump.


He attacks Emrakul's weak point for massive damage. He probably has a vorpal weapon or just knows where Emrakul's exhaust port is.
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (10/24/2012 5:44:45 PM)


A hilarious card that causes a lot of headaches amongst friends in casual play. Here's an example

My turn: *plays *Obzedat*,"You are so screwed, my friend!"
Friend: *taps Intrepid Hero* Your ghosts are dead.

I don't know if he'll ever see constructed play, but he's definitely a fun card that will take care of a lot of big things.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (4/1/2013 6:02:00 PM)


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