This reprint completely fails to represent the card's flavor. And no, I don't care that it offers a different interpretation, because it doesn't work at all.
Posted By:
(6/6/2010 11:11:45 PM)
Wow. Equilibrium is the best use I can think of for it. Cavern Harpy, some Doomsday Specter...
Posted By:
(2/26/2011 1:31:13 AM)
youre the one thinking too small, why wash out against a multi coloured deck, or sunder, when you can Upheaval or Worldpurge with megrim out, in a lot of games that would tie it out.
Posted By:
(1/29/2010 7:39:28 PM)
WOW! I didn't know this card existed. I enjoy unsummoning my opponent's creatures -- it's one of the most annoying tactics in Magic, and this card makes it hurt.
By the way, weren't Eighth edition cards just so desaturated and ugly? It's a good thing that WotC got it right after that.
Posted By:
(12/13/2010 11:06:01 AM)
inundate if you can
Posted By:
(3/12/2011 10:15:19 PM)
I love this with Evacuation.
Posted By:
(8/23/2011 1:11:15 PM)
Overburden in a creatureless deck.
I'm so very, very, sorry.
Posted By:
(5/20/2012 7:31:21 PM)
Awful art.
Posted By:
(7/26/2012 5:57:00 PM)
Wow, Cyclonic Rift.
Posted By:
(12/27/2012 5:07:35 PM)
what if the creature is a token. do they still discard? I'm sure the answer is no, right?
Posted By:
(3/9/2013 2:16:03 PM)