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WTF? Who started that phrase everybody keeps repea-ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST!
Posted By: CorkBulb (8/18/2012 12:53:13 AM)


Once I was human, now I am human again thanks to errata.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (10/28/2010 9:43:22 PM)


"Once I was human. Now I am far more."
- Yeah, overcosted as h-ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST

But well, on the other hand it has morph and a cheap face-up cost, which makes this a decent Johnny card.

I just read the article "Little Man, Big Tricks" ( http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/rb71 ), which is partially about him.
He could possibly also have turned out with no face-up cost at all...unfortunately this wasn't the case :(
But they at least decided to lower the cost from 1Blue to Blue
Posted By: Mode (8/10/2009 2:07:44 PM)


Watch your backs guys, the Egotist has Long-Term Plans, who knows what he's up t- ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST
Posted By: NARFNra (12/28/2010 12:51:42 PM)


scornful egotist is mostly used with cards that value high converted mana cost like goblin machinist, erratic explosion, torrent of fire and so on. there is a deck in scourge called pulverize that specifically plays this way, its kinda slow & vulnerable deck but it can turn ur opponent to dust very quickly if u draw the right cards.
Posted By: darigaaazzz (1/25/2010 4:40:22 PM)


Most ridiculous power to cost ratio ever seen on a c-ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST
Posted By: True_Mumin (6/17/2009 5:37:10 PM)


I think this card is funny. It's also much useful than it looks. It can combo well with things like affinity, convoke and other abilities that let you play cards for much less then their converted mana cost, and then play cards that's power is based on converted mana cost. It's not a gamebreaker, but it's very combo-worthy.

Also, I find it funny that his flavor text says, "I used to be human," while his official creature type is "human."
Posted By: SleetFox (4/2/2010 12:42:57 AM)


The more cards I learn about, the more I think he's actually pretty go- ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST!
Posted By: Gelzo (6/3/2011 4:13:44 PM)


Seems to work well the the new card Birthing Pod. Sacrifice this guy to grab something with a nine CM- ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST!
Posted By: jsttu (4/29/2011 7:07:05 PM)


I just finished my Birthing Pod/Scornful Egotist deck. It's hilarious to play with, especially when I alw-ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST!- ft, so that gets plenty of laughs.

He's not good, but he's fun to play with and people will never hate you for comboing with him. The creature type could use an update, though (Remove Wizard so that his flavor text is even more ir- ALL HAIL THE GREAT EGOTIST!
Posted By: Helliord (5/31/2011 2:19:04 PM)


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